Bathroom rendezvous

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Harry spent most of his lunch and afternoon with Neville and Luna. Draco, of course, had left early.
Something about 'him being busy'
And soon after Luna had left also, leaving Neville and Harry alone

Harry knew he should've taken this time to catch up and study. Hermione probably would have nagged him until he finished at least one book and Ron probably would've groaned the entire time. Harry missed his friends dearly..
"Hey you think Luna...y'know.. likes Malfoy?"

"What do you mean?"

"As I've never seen them together and yet today they seemed close" Harry whispered, looking around the library to see if anyone had been listening "It just seemed odd to me y'know?"

"Ah, I see.. Well I don't think he's her type really. I think it's platonic but it definitely was a little weird seeing them so close to each other. Y'know I've also never heard him laugh before! When we were waiting on you Luna whispered something to him and he ACTUALLY laughed" Neville rubbed the back of his neck

"I know! I heard it too! It caught me off guard for a bit honestly" Harry couldn't help but allow a small smile to form on his face as he reminisced. He remembered how he first saw Draco's dimples for the first time..Harry didn't even know Draco had dimples until today.
'It was honestly kinda cute..? I didn't know his smile could be so..bright-.. wait- cute? Ew' Harry shook those thoughts from his head

"I think he feels more comfortable now that his father's in Azkaban..which is understandable. I never knew the man personally, obviously, but..Lucius certainly gave me chills.." Harry shuddered as he remembered Lucius' piercing eyes on him during Draco's trial.

"Yeah. But anyways I don't think Draco is Luna's type. If i had to guess, I'd assume she was gay"

"Do you think Dean and Seamus would know? Don't they a gaydar?"

"I suppose we could ask them"

Harry and Neville made their way out of the library and into the gryffindor common room. Both Dean and Seamus were cuddled together on the couch in front of the fireplace.

"Hey do you guys have a minute to talk?" Neville asked, sitting on the chair next to them

"Sure what's up?" Seamus sat up off of Dean to make space for Harry

"So.. uh-..we were wondering-..well actually um we were hanging out with Luna and well Malfoy tagged along- but they seemed rather close but Neville thinks Luna may be—"

"Harry wants to know if the gaydar thing is true and we would like to know if you guys think Luna is gay" Neville interrupted Harry, knowing Harry would probably fumble over his words even more

"The gaydar thing isn't like-..a magical ability or something it's more so like intuition." Dean held his arm over Seamus' shoulder

"Luna though..I think maybe she's pan and not necessarily gay" Seamus cut in, leaning into Dean's touch

"Yeah I don't think she cares so much about people's parts"

"What about Malfoy?" Neville titled his head "do you think he's gay?"

"Normally I'd say yes but..I hear he's been going out with Astoria lately so..maybe he's bi?" Seamus pursed his lips

Harry could not understand a thing that was being said. 'Pan' and 'bi' were not words he was very educated in..Harry took this time to really question himself.
Yes..he's kissed Cho Chang that one time and has kissed Ginny but he did find Cedric Diggory quite nice to look at.

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