A small painting session with Luna Lovegood

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Harry couldn't stop his heart from racing. His palms began to sweat and his breathing became labored.

It probably didn't help that Harry had practically been jogging through the halls with no particular destination. Students had been giving him odd stares as he rushed throughout the halls. Well, odder stares than usual.

Harry had pulled on his tie til it became loose and flimsy. A panic slowly rose to his throat as his voice hitched in.. something about his conversation with McGonagall had triggered him. But why?

Was it the fact that he knew at some point he'd lose whatever control over his life as she'd force him to eat more? Or was it the general fact that she even NOTICED his weight change in the first place? Was it both or something else entirely?

Harry initially thought his robes hid his body pretty well but apparently not.

He knows she means well..he knows she cares greatly about his health, as she does about all her students, but this was something Harry wasn't quite able to handle.

'She suggested I go see that therapist...I don't NEED to see anybody. I'm fine..everything's fine' Harry tried to convince himself. What would a therapist do anyways? Tell him he needed to eat more? That much is obvious..he doesn't need someone repeating his problems back to him as if he isn't aware of them already

Harry nearly jumped out his skin once Luna came peering around the corner, nearly knocking into him

"Merlin, Luna!-" he almost screamed. Almost.

"Hello again Harry" her soft voice eased him out of his panic. He straightened his robes, wiping his sweaty hands and was finally able to slow his breathing

"H-..Hello Luna. Did you need something?" The boy exhaled

"I was just wondering, since your mind has been full of Wrackspurts, would you like to join me and a few friends for a small painting session? I'm sure the Thestrals won't need tending to for a while." Luna held a few small square canvases close to her chest.

There was no reason to turn her down, plus it may actually help Harry clear his..Wrackspurts. "Sure Luna I'd like that." Harry gave her an honest smile.

It was times like these where Harry really appreciated Luna's presence. She likely knew Harry was on a borderline panic attack and yet she would never pressure him to talk about it or ever act like she walked on glass around him. She also spoke to him as if he was a regular everyday person instead of 'The boy who lived' or ' The golden boy'

She made him feel included

As Luna led Harry to a seemingly empty classroom there were a few mini easels and brushes left on a table along with a bowl of fruit and a vase with some flowers
"I know this is a free paint thing but if you guys ever needed any inspiration I brought the bowl of fruit and the vase with flowers" she set the canvases down on the same table "I also brought Harry with me"

"What?" A familiar voice spoke with disapproval. Draco appeared with cups full of water

"Oh Draco you brought the water! Thank you" Luna ignored what Draco said and grabbed the cups from him. Harry eyed Draco, expecting a scowl or sneer like before but ultimately not getting one. Draco had completely turned his gaze away from Harry.

'What? What's up with him?' Harry thought to himself before he caught the eye of another familiar (yet unfamiliar) slytherin.

"Hello there" Astoria chimed, a smile spread across her face. Harry was taken aback by her friendliness. When has a Slytherin ever been outright friendly?

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