A Prewett and a Gaunt?

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Harry spent the rest of the day talking with Ginny in the courtyard. It was the most they've spoken in weeks and Harry could not have been happier. They spoke about Quidditch and how it would be great to be on a broom again

Harry missed how his hair would feel in the wind and how he almost seemed utterly weightless in the air.

He also missed all the Quidditch matches against the other houses, especially with the Slytherins. Not that playing against Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw was bad..but playing against Slytherin was more challenging and thrilling.

Definitely more competitive.

The crowds would be on the edge of their seats watching the game go down. Especially when the Snitch appeared..It was as though the rest of the game was on pause and everyone's attention was brought to Harry and Draco.

Draco, always being so close but not quite as fast as Harry. In terms of speed and thinking. (Though only in quidditch)

Over the years Draco had always come back bigger and better, progressing more and more.. becoming more of a challenge for Harry. Harry often wonders if Draco would have surpassed him if they ever played against each other again..would Draco even want to?

Surely there would HAVE to be at least one more game. One more match against Gryffindor and Slytherin. One more game against Draco.

Despite Draco's teasingly hostile nature on his broom, he always looked...alive. Like Quidditch was the only thing giving his life any sort of euphoria..
There was a certain drive Draco had that no one else was able to replicate. He seemed passionate about being on that broom and it looked like he never wanted to get off of it.

"Hey, Ginny..Molly's surname used to be Prewett right?" Harry inquired, suddenly thinking about those names he found in The Undercroft.

"Yeah..why?" Ginny looked at Harry, a confused expression on her face.

"Well..I came across a-..uh thing the other night and found the name 'Donnie Prewett.' Do you have any Donnies in your family that you know of?" Harry scratched his head nervously, hoping Ginny would at least know who THAT person was.

"Oh yes! My mother would speak about her story all the time!- or at least she used to." Ginny chimed, seeming more enthusiastic. "Apparently somewhere in the late 19th century she came to Hogwarts rather late into the year. Instead of coming to Hogwarts as a 1st year she came in as a 5th year! Albeit late, she was sorted into Slytherin. Coincidentally, there was some sort of Goblin rebellion happening along with a gang of poachers and extortionists assembled by a man named Victor Rookwood-.."

The name Rookwood made Harry's heart ache for just a second. Being instantly reminded of the time in the Department of Mysteries where Ron's life was almost taken

"—And somewhere down the line Donnie had found Rookwood and dueled him, soon killing him. Though shortly after, the goblin that started the rebellion had invaded Hogwarts somehow! Apparently this goblin had obtained some strong power and had almost ended the wizarding world as a whole. Luckily, Donnie had been there to stop him..though mum never told us how, Donnie was regarded as a hero of Hogwarts and by extension, savior of the wizarding world." Ginny spoke all in one breath. Harry had practically had his mouth gaping open.

"She did all of that at 15!?" Harry questioned loudly, causing everyone at the Gryffindor table to look their way

"Well Harry.." Ginny started, " I must admit, you've done quite a bit more impressive things at 15." She chortled. Harry looked a bit embarrassed

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