"You're nothing, Malfoy."

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Harry slumped his head onto the wooden table. Him, Neville and Luna were sitting in the library 'studying.'  Although, one Gryffindor was too busy staring at a certain dark skinned Slytherin and the other was too busy trying to figure out whether or not he should confront a certain blonde..leaving the Ravenclaw to her actual studies.

"Blimey..he's gorgeous." Neville sighed, leaning his head against the palms of his hand. The boy seemed to be completely enamored with Blaise. Harry was beginning to believe he was under the influence of Amortentia, not that Neville would have minded if he was anyway.

"You have told us this at least a dozen times already, Neville."  Harry was starting to believe that he should have taken Dean's offer from earlier and hung out with them, although, being near Dean and Seamus always felt unnecessarily...intimate? It was almost always as if Harry was watching them do something very private with each other..like he was more than just a third wheel.

But for some reason Harry was always so curious about how their relationship worked.. Physically too. The way Seamus would fit in between Dean's arms almost perfectly and how their hands seemed to have always been in some form of contact with each other. Harry often wondered if he'd ever love like that.

"He's so out of my league..the man is bloody perfect."  At this point Neville was speaking to himself.

"I believe he's afraid of making the first move" Luna finally picked her head up from the astrology book she had been reading.

"You think so? I'm not even sure if he likes me at all just yet.." Neville sighed again, somehow falling even more in love with Blaise.

Draco then strolled into the library, his chin up and back straightened with a sort of confidence that he usually carries himself with. His platinum blonde hair swished behind him as he seemed to have swiftly moved to the back corner of the library. Of course, Harry stretched his neck out from where he'd been sitting to get a look of where Draco might've been going.

Harry had no real reason to approach Draco. There WAS no real reason to approach Draco..but, Harry couldn't help but excuse himself from his own table before finding the secluded corner Draco had settled in.

2 weeks.

It had been 2 weeks since Harry had seen Draco up this close..the familiar smell of sweet vanilla scented cologne emanating from the Slytherin. His hazel colored eyelashes casted the faintest of shadows along his silvery, mercury eyes as they (like always) pierce through Harry's prominent green ones.

No matter how much Harry disliked or tolerated Draco...he could not deny that the man was inarguably, irrefutably, undeniably, indisputably attractive. From head to fucking toe.

"Come to bother me again, Potter?" Draco sat back in his chair, his eyes calculating..thinking, as he tapped his finger on the wooden mahogany table. What was he thinking about?

"Oh uh.." Harry almost forgot why he was there.. Was there ever a reason why he was in front of Draco? Shit. "Uhm- oh right! I had some questions that only you may be able to answer.."

Harry sat down in the seat across from Draco. Draco looking between Harry's eyes, thinking again. What was it?  "I assure you, Potter, you already know the 'secret' thing I have been doing. You honestly don't need to keep parading me—

"I know. That's not what i was referring to, actually." Harry corrected, not taking his eyes off of Draco's seemingly distracted ones.

"Well? Get on with it and go." Draco sat back in his chair, his leg crossing over the other as he crossed his arms tightly over his chest, huffing. "I have things I need to get to."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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