The most prominent pair of green emerald eyes

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Draco woke up that morning feeling drowsier than usual. He sat at the edge of his bed, no thoughts had come to his mind yet as he was still half asleep. The sound of Theo snoring in the bed across from him kept Draco from spacing out entirely.

After 5 minutes had passed, Draco finally got up and stretched before making his way to the bathroom.

As Draco stepped in front of the mirror, he did his usual morning inspection. The later and later Draco went to sleep, the bigger and bigger his eye bags got, no matter how many skin care products he'd put on his face.

The Slytherin sighed before turning to an empty stall and undressed, soon turning on the hot water and taking a long hot shower. The steam relaxes his muscles from the previous night's activities.

He'd stand there for a while..allowing the water to drip down his body, temporarily washing away all his worries and woes before proceeding to shampoo his long platinum blonde hair.

A yawn can be heard coming from the other side of the curtain "Good morning Draco.." Theo's voice echoed over the sound of running water.

" 'Mornin Theo.." Draco countered, his voice groggy and rough.

"Did you and Astoria have a good practice? I'm sorry I couldn't help out this time."

"It was a bit slower but that's fine..I hope you got some good rest.." Draco hummed, slowly becoming more awake

"I did.. Thank you."

As Draco finished his shower and 54 step hair routine along with casting a glamour charm for his eye bags, he got dressed and slid his robes over his shoulders. Last night's practice took a lot out of him and while he knows he should take at least a day off to rest, he didn't. And wouldn't.

Draco headed down to the great hall a bit early. He loved admiring Hogwarts halls and all it's greatness, especially when no other student was around to scowl or stare at him. Though..there was still some damage from the war that could not be completely fixed. There were cracks and chips in the walls where there had not previously been. Like every morning where Draco would get up a bit early, his footsteps would echo through the corridors, the stone beneath him making a clicking sound.

As Draco sat in his usual spot at the end of the table and grabbed his usual cup of coffee, just approximately 4 minutes after Draco had settled down, Harry Potter would come strolling through those giant doors. And as usual Harry would stare.

Not that Draco truly minded the attention. Something about it made Draco laugh a bit..

'Even after all these years..his green eyes will be as prominent as ever.' Draco thought to himself, not looking up from his cup. Draco often didn't have to actually look back at Harry to know that he was staring. More often than not, Draco could just feel it.

It was, however, still quite annoying for Draco. Harry's constant looking and poking and prodding drove him completely mad at times. Especially when Draco wasn't actually doing anything in particular.. Feeling Harry's eyes on him frequently made Draco feel anxious and restless, though he never knew why..

Except he did have somewhat of an idea..

Like how a couple nights ago when Draco would remember the almost..longing.. look on Harry's face. His green eyes pierced through Draco's.. the anxious feeling brewed inside Draco's stomach again the more Harry looked into his eyes. It was almost so unbearable that Draco had thought he may explode.

Harry's gaze was so strong that day that Draco did not have the strength to look away..perhaps it was because of how close they had been in that instance?

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