Chapter One

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Roselight stretched for a long time, unwilling to get up completely. When she had gone to the Moonpool the night before, StarClan still had little leads. She had told them what she knew, but that was it.

    "How are you?" Rowanmask asked without looking at her, busy looking at their herbs.

    "Fine." Roselight half expected him to scold her for disobeying his orders to stay at camp yesterday, but half of her knew he'd just let it go. This new side of him took some adjusting to, but she liked it better than his crabby, ill-tempered side.

    "That's good. I want you to go collect tansy and chervil. If you happen to pass by coltsfoot, collect that too." Roselight's eyes widened with surprise, but she didn't argue. He was finally letting her leave camp? When she denied his command to stay in camp, did he finally realize he was babying her?

    "Kestrelheart approves?" Roselight mumbled, not sure how to react.

    Rowanmask shrugged. "Haven't asked her yet. You'll be fine, though." He twisted his neck, looking at her in the eyes. "You proved it to me last night."

    Roselight grinned, glad he trusted her. "I'll come back."

    "You certainly will. Take a warrior with you." Rowanmask ordered sternly.

    "I will." Roselight vowed, padding outside of the den. She beelined for Dawnstream, who was talking loudly with Duskface, eyes wide with joy.

    "...really?" Dawnstream purred, shoving her muzzle against Duskface's cheek.

    "Really." Duskface licked the top of her head affectionately. Roselight felt joy for her sister, but she had to interrupt the sweet moment.

    "Ahem," she cleared her throat loudly, smiling politely at the pair. "I have a question."

    Duskface and Dawnstream turned to face her.

    "What do you need?" Dawnstream asked, clearly excited Roselight was finally being social.

    "I was wondering if you two could accompany me while I gather herbs." Roselight meowed, then quickly added onto her sentence. "O-Of course, you don't have to."

    Duskface inclined his head, in for it. Dawnstream nodded hastily. "Let's go!"

    Roselight trotted out of camp, studying the gray sky, wondering if it would rain. That reminded her about going to the Moonpool tonight. One of the StarClan cats, Turtlecreek had been her name, had promised to tell her more if she came back tonight. More about the plots of Mistysong and Honeypool, and while she wanted to know about Egret's plans, Turtlecreek unfortunately didn't know.

    "Where are we going?" Duskface asked, bringing a wave of nostalgia over Roselight. That's what he had asked the last time he went with her.

    She stared hesitantly in ThunderClan's direction, then turned hard on her paws, leading them toward RiverClan's border. "Somewhere around RiverClan."

    There was a blissful silence as the trio began racing in the direction of RiverClan, but Roselight stopped them, collecting coltsfoot.

    Rowanmask's going to be impressed. I collected the most nonvital herb on his list. Roselight swallowed a snort of amusement, scanning the area for tansy. That was going to be important with leaf-bare on its way.


    Roselight, Duskface, and Dawnstream returned to camp, jaws full with herbs.

    "Remind me to never join you on another herb expedition," teased Duskface, "this tastes awful!"

    Roselight laughed around the chervil and coltsfoot in her mouth, but she rushed them into the medicine cat den. While she couldn't see the sun, she knew it was nearly dusk. If she wanted to make it, she had to go now.

    Duskface and Dawnstream left the den once they dropped off their herb bundles. Roselight dropped hers, brain racking for a lie.

    "...Rowanmask," she meowed after several heartbeats, "I have another herb bundle I have to go get." When Rowanmask stared at her, she quickly reassured him she'd take a warrior with her. He nodded, letting her go grab that 'extra herb bundle.'

    Roselight slipped out of the medicine cat den, making sure no cats were paying attention to her. When she confirmed no cat was watching her, she darted out of camp, paws pounding against the wet, squelchy ground. The sky was darkening now, either threatening to pour rain or the sun was setting - or both. There was that chance.

    Roselight didn't hesitate at all when she came upon the swollen river. She jumped in, paddling against the strong current (with lots of struggle, but she made it).

    Her eyes raced to keep up with the blur of brown and yellow whipping past her.

    Go, go, go! I need to get the most answers possible. She slowed her pace down when she neared the Moonpool several minutes later. The wave of exhaustion hit her when she began walking. She panted loudly, peering over the edge of the slope, nearly reeling back into a tree.

    She didn't expect to see Mistysong nor Honeypool there, but they were. Honeypool was resting by the Moonpool while Mistysong sat next to him, mindlessly studying her claws.

    Is Nectarstar dead? Roselight froze with fear. She looked to her right, scooping up a pawful of mud. She smeared it over her face and fur, hoping she blended in and her scent was only mud.

    Not like I smelled like much in the first place. Just wind, I guess. Roselight crept closer to the edge, hoping she could hear them talk - if they even did.

    Honeypool stirred, waking up. Mistysong glanced at him, voice echoing in the empty glade.

    "I'd assume you're Honeystar now?" Mistysong asked, a hint of pride in her otherwise bland tone.

    "Of course." Honeystar rose to his paws, voice just as silky and smooth as always. "That was the most boring ceremony ever. 'I give you a life for this and that,'" he continued to mimic a wide range of voices. "I can confirm, however, Nectarstar is in StarClan."

    "Did he know what hit him?" Mistysong laughed. Even though it wasn't your typical laugh, it was better than Egret's. Roselight shuddered, but she kept listening, intending to follow them.

    "It's going to feel nice," Honeystar was saying, slowly walking up the path, eyes gleaming, "being addressed to as Honeystar."

    "The she-cats are going to love you even more." Mistysong mocked.

    Honeystar scoffed, rolling his eyes. "This act I have to keep up is killing me."

    "Are you going to drop it as leader?"

    "Not quite. You shouldn't either, although you have been found out by those two pesky ShadowClan cats."

    Mistysong growled lowly, but her next words weren't heard. Roselight started creeping after them, horrified when she heard what Honeystar said next.


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