Chapter Four

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About a half-moon had passed ever since Swiftlake had dropped by ShadowClan. It was the night of the Gathering and Marigoldstar was currently choosing which cats would go.

    "The cats attending will be myself, Stonethroat, Softfur, Skybird, Leafpetal, Flamepounce, Sunfur, Ebonywish, Foxshadow, Duskblaze, Leopardspots, Hailhop, Swiftlake, Troutwhisker, Waveheart, and Ryepaw."

    Swiftlake silently cheered, glad she was going. A bonus was that Sunfur, Hailhop, Leopardspots, and Ryepaw were going as well.

    "We will head out soon." With that, Marigoldstar concluded the meeting, disappearing into her den with Stonethroat, the Clan deputy.

    "I wish I was going." Rainyfoot grumbled beside her, scaring Swiftlake beyond and back.

    Swiftlake turned to him, fur puffed out. "Holy StarClan - yo-you scared me so bad!"

    Rainyfoot looked mildly amused, but when Swiftlake glared daggers at him, his smile dropped. "Sorry." His voice was rough and raspy. Swiftlake's expression melted into worry; she and Rainyfoot had gotten closer over the days, but Rainyfoot caught whitecough a few days prior and was sicker every day.

    "You probably would be going if you didn't get whitecough. Softfur specifically pointed you out because it might develop into greencough." Swiftlake pointed out, then added slyly. "Maybe don't go shoving your muzzle into snow piles."

    "The mouse went in there!" he huffed indignantly, though his eyes sparkled with good humor.

    She purred, brushing her cheek against his. "I should probably prepare to go to the Gathering." She took a step, but halted and looked at him meaningfully. "I truly wish you were going too."

    Rainyfoot smiled, shaking his head. "Softfur's right," he let out a couple coughs, "this might become greencough, then I'll be in trouble. Seeing other cats will only make me feel worse and infect other cats."

    "RiverClan, it is time to go!"

    Swiftlake found herself on her way with her Clan, chatting with her brother, Hailhop, and Sunfur. Time passed by and they arrived at the log to the Gathering island. Marigoldstar stayed beside the log, ready to help any cat. Swiftlake jumped onto the log, following Sunfur closely.

    "I wonder if anything interesting has happened. I don't want Snakestar to freak out again." Sunfur meowed in front of her, sending a quick glance over her shoulder.

    "I agree." Swiftlake murmured, hopping off and scanning the island. Every Clan was there, RiverClan being the last to arrive.

    Hailhop stopped by her side, scanning the crowd. Swiftlake walked away from him, padding closer to the medicine cat section. No dark ginger pelt.

    She may be at their camp. She highly doubted it. She turned around, aiming to try and find her friends now.

    Swiftlake found Hailhop speaking with a SkyClan cat and walked over, hearing their conversation.

    "My name is Sagestorm now." It was Sagepaw, proudly announcing her new name. "Now we're warriors together!"

    Hailhop was about to reply, but the leaders silenced the crowd.

    A warrior Swiftlake didn't recognize stepped forward first. "ThunderClan has been exceptionally well. Nectarstar has unfortunately died-" the cat paused, catching herself from saying something. "Honeypool has become leader, but he is ill and couldn't attend the Gathering. We have lost three other cats, Turtlecreek, Hazelpaw, and Rootspeckle."

    The senior warriors had a shift in mood, some muttering their condolences. Swiftlake blinked slowly, not sure she knew those cats.

    Wait, Hazelpaw? Swiftlake had spoken to her lots of time since their brothers both knew each other. She lowered her head with grief.

    "We also have three new warriors, Stormmist, Echoberry, and Beechleg." The cream she-cat stepped back. "That is all."

    The cats started cheering for the three warriors, though the energy was low.

    Beestar thanked her, saying her name.

    Swiftlake widened her eyes. That was Sweetberry. She had heard that name, the supposed, official mate of Honeypool - or Honeystar. Some she-cats had been gossiping about it.

    "I'd like to go next if you three don't mind." Beestar got murmurs of confirmation and stepped forward. "WindClan has been blessed with four new kits, Scorchkit, Meadowkit, Waterkit, and Palekit. They lost their mother during the delivery..." he sighed. "Roselight - most of you knew her as Rosepaw - has also joined the ranks of StarClan. Rainpaw, announced at the last Gathering, was murdered as well and has become Rainmoon."

    The cats below were deathly quiet, heads bowed in sorrow.

    Marigoldstar cleared her throat, stepping forward. "RiverClan hopes both of your Clans recover from the losses. Anyway, RiverClan has been fortunate thus far, as the rivers haven't froze over. That is all."

    Snowstar stepped forward next. "Prey has been running well in SkyClan. I'm pleased to announce three new warriors, Sagestorm, Flywhisker, and Adderclaw. Lilacfur has moved in expecting Ivyheart's kits. That is all."

    Snakestar spoke next. "ShadowClan have had their share of misfortune in deaths too." He was staring at the medicine cats below him, narrowing his eyes with confusion. "We lost Coaltooth. We also have a new warrior, Shellmoon."

    "Shellmoon! Shellmoon!" Swiftlake cheered with the crowd.

    "That is all."

    A cat she recognized as Poolfoot of ShadowClan was walking toward her. "Swiftlake, did you notice Mistysong is absent?"

    Swiftlake's eyes darted over to where the medicine cats sat. "I hadn't. Does that come to you as a shock or something? She's probably staying back to heal Honeystar and any other cat who is sick."

    Poolfoot didn't seem convinced, but she didn't argue.

    "RiverClan will be going earlier tonight. Cats are sick in our camp and they need to be tended to."

    Being reminded of that made Swiftlake pray Rainyfoot was coping well.

    She smiled at Poolfoot, meowing, "See you later," then turned away, leaping onto the log.

    Just as she touched the ground and met up with Sunfur, a cat sprinted toward them, claws unsheathed.

    "Help - WindClan - attack-" the cat panted, sitting back on their haunches.

    Swiftlake and Sunfur shared a glance, puzzled and a little spooked.

    Stonethroat pushed through them. "Take us to your camp, Larkcloud."

    The calico nodded, wide-eyed.


i want to clarify one thing for the next chapter really quick

everything that just happened in this chapter will now be seen in the eyes of roselight. still the night of the gathering, but different events transpire.


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