Chapter Seventeen

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Honeystar watched from the safety of the den as WindClan and RiverClan cats poured into the camp cautiously. If only they knew they had walked straight into an ambush.

    All thanks to that foolish RiverClan warrior, Waveheart. Honeystar reflected. Without her intel, ThunderClan wouldn't have known.

    "How long will we hide in here?" Egret's impatient hiss penetrated his thoughts.

    Honeystar shot a look at her. "We're not hiding. We're waiting."

    "Waiting for what?" StarClan, this she-cat was a pain in the tail.

    Honeystar didn't say anything. He watched, noticing Beestar scanning the camp. Marigoldstar wasn't far behind him, also searching for something. He knew exactly what, and he'd give them exactly that.

    "No more waiting, Egret. Go fight." Honeystar ordered, following the cream-furred she-cat.

    "Honeystar!" Honeystar looked in the direction his name was called, acting surprised when he met Beestar's furious gaze.

    "Beestar! I was wondering where you were." Honeystar meowed curtly.

    Beestar glared at him. "I'll ask you once. Do you notice how your warriors are outnumbered?" Beestar swept his tail to the fighting cats. "You can surrender before any are killed."

    Honeystar gazed at him, whiskers twitching. "Are you saying that my warriors can't handle fighting two at a time?"

    "That's exactly what I'm saying."

    "Then you underestimate what they're capable of. I'll ask you once." Honeystar stepped forward, pretending to not notice how Beestar took a small step back. "Notice how your warriors are already exhausted and mine aren't? You can surrender before any are killed."

    Beestar narrowed his eyes. "You've chosen, then. Now!" his eyes slid past Honeystar.

    Honeystar whirled around, too slow to dodge a cat flying into him. They both hit the ground. Honeystar chastised himself for letting his guard down, but he quickly swiped at whoever attacked him and got to his paws again. In his peripheral vision he noticed Beestar aiming a blow at his head and ducked, focusing back on the one who leapt at him - Stonethroat. Without any hesitation, Honeystar lunged at him, tripping the gray tom. Stonethroat tumbled back down to the ground.

    Let's make this even, shall we? Honeystar shot Beestar a smug look, diving at Stonethroat's vulnerable neck. Before any of the two could react, Honeystar slashed his throat. Stonethroat choked and gasped for air, eyes blazing. Honeystar stepped away from the dying tom, sighing with annoyance.

    "Stonethroat!" it wasn't Beestar to cried out loud, but Marigoldstar, who abandoned her fight against Egret. Her eyes met Honeystar's, unreadable emotions swirling inside. "Why'd you..." she couldn't finish her thought.

    Honeystar snorted. Why wasn't she making a move? Beestar did, however, launching himself at Honeystar. Honeystar side-stepped at the last moment, watching Beestar crash into the grass. He glanced back at Marigoldstar, ears angled her way to hear what she was muttering to herself.

    "I can't... I can't fight him."

    Good, she knew he was better.

    "I promised I'd protect him. Even if I'm not right now... I'd never harm him."

    Who'd she promise? Honeystar narrowed his eyes, about to question her, but Beestar slammed into him.

    Stop losing focus! Honeystar whirled around, pain blossoming in his flank. His eyes widened, pulling his face away from Beestar's swipe. He focused on Beestar's shoulder, throwing a blow that he ended up aiming lower, unbalancing Beestar. Once Beestar toppled over, Honeystar pinned his legs.

    "I told you to surrender." Honeystar sneered, lowering his muzzle so it was by Beestar's ear.

    Beestar seemed frightened, knowing he'd lose another life. "Marigoldstar! You have to-"

    "I can't!" she cried to Beestar. "I can't!" she repeated, shaking her head miserably.

    "You can't be so loyal to a dead cat!" Beestar snarled, struggling.

    Honeystar frowned at his words. "What do I not know?"

    Marigoldstar answered him, whiskers trembling. "You're from RiverClan, Honeystar. I'm your aunt."

    Honeystar froze, not sure how to digest that information. Was it just to distra-

    Beestar took advantage of Honeystar's momentary freeze and escaped from his grip. Instead of fighting, Beestar warily backed away from Honeystar.

    "I... can't be from RiverClan." Honeystar stared at Marigoldstar, but it was clear. Their appearance was strikingly similar. "But the question that confuses me more is why aren't you attacking me? Can't harm a former RiverClan member?" His tone gradually grew more mocking.

    "No, your mother... when she was dying, she asked me to always protect you and your siblings even though you three were in a different Clan. I sometimes sent a cat out, Waveheart, to check in on you three. I was always so proud to hear you three were growing up and adjusting to ThunderClan." Marigoldstar smiled weakly.

    Honeystar opened his jaws to ask her something, but one of his warriors raced up to him, legs trembling when she stopped. It was Sweetberry.

    "Honeystar, we have to retreat. We're getting pushed back-"

    Honeystar gazed at the cats fighting behind Marigoldstar, tail swishing uncertainly. With great reluctance, he yowled to ThunderClan to retreat.

    "I told you to surrender earlier," muttered Beestar, giving Honeystar a foul look.

    Honeystar ignored him and strode past Marigoldstar, ears flattening. So that meant Mistysong and his late brother Nectarstar were from RiverClan too.

    Now his defeat came to mind. Hadn't his warriors been ready for this?

    I'm pushing them too fast. Not everyone measures up to my skill. He told himself rather cockily, keeping his gaze downcast, but he certainly felt glares smoldering into his ruffled pelt.

    Once he was outside of camp, he hurried to catch up with his Clan.

    "What happened with you and Marigoldstar?" Mistysong hissed when he slid next to her. "I tried to come help you, but Runningsky had to be tended to first."

    "You wouldn't want to know," murmured Honeystar, tail lashing.


bonus chapter!! i originally was going to reveal honeystars and his siblings origins in swiftlakes pov, but i didnt like how it was panning out so i decided to actually do it in his. still dont know if i like it, but its certainly better than swiftlakes pov.


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