Chapter Sixteen

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It had been two days ever since Beestar and Aspenflower had visited the camp. In those two days, Marigoldstar told the Clan what was taking place. Today was the day they were going to aid WindClan and get their camp back.

    "Every cat knows the plan?" Marigoldstar double-checked, getting murmurs and nods of confirmation. "I'll go over this one more time. My group, raise your tails if you're in my group."

    Swiftlake's tail shot up, and she was quite proud she was in Marigoldstar's group. She was in the first group to raid the rogue's camp.

    Marigoldstar quietly counted the cats. "Wait, I'm missing one. Waveheart?"

    "Sorry, here." A breathless voice meowed. "I hadn't realized we were going over this before the attack."

    "Where were you?" Marigoldstar inquired, eyes narrowing.

    "Hunting. Again, I'm sorry." Waveheart's voice was raspy from the lack of air. "I won't make the same mistake."

     Marigoldstar curtly dipped her head. "Stonethroat's group, raise your tails."

    It took a while for Marigoldstar to finish, but once she did, every cat was on their paws and talking about the upcoming battle. The extra patrols were only there in case ThunderClan was there for some reason, so hopefully they weren't needed and the rogues would be pushed out with no inconveniences.

    Swiftlake dove into a conversation with Leopardspots and Sunfur - with Rainyfoot awkwardly to the side. While Leopardspots was talking, Marigoldstar let out a yowl.

    "RiverClan!" Marigoldstar yowled. "It is time to go."

    Swiftlake narrowed her eyes when she looked at the bright sky. The sun was beginning to dip into the horizon, its rays painting the sky orange and purple. Swiftlake's jaw dropped at the beautiful scene.

    "How is the sky purple and orange?" she turned to Sunfur.

    Sunfur purred, amused. "Have you actually never seen a sunset?"

    "Well, no, I'm always awake during the night-"

    "There's not one day where you've seen this?" Sunfur gestured to the colorful sky.

    "I've been awake for one, but the sun was blocked by rainclouds." Swiftlake muttered.

    The battle patrol moved out. Swiftlake and Sunfur kept talking about the sunset.

    The sun had finally disappeared when they met up with WindClan on the outskirts of both their territories.

    "Does your Clan know the plan?" Beestar asked.

    "Not our plan, but they have a plan." Marigoldstar meowed tensely. "Let's go before I change my mind."

    WindClan cats hesitantly joined the RiverClan patrol. Swiftlake shot a look at a small silver tom whose nose twitched when he approached her. Did she smell? How dare he! She charged forward, shoving her way through cats. She was closer to the front now and heard what Marigoldstar and Beestar said.

    "Beestar, I am swapping places with Stonethroat for our plan. Are you okay with that?" Marigoldstar asked, ears twitching.

    "Of course." Beestar replied. "I'd do the same if I were in your situation."

    Marigoldstar raised her head and stopped, looking at the big crowd of cats. "We are approaching the camp! Before we go in, I'd like to be a little more strategic this time around. One out of three groups shall enter the camp first. The other two will flood in once I let out a caterwaul." Marigoldstar sent Beestar a glance. "Distribute cats to each group. My Clan, break into your three groups!"

    While Beestar sent cats to certain groups, Swiftlake met up with Waveheart.

    "Nervous?" she asked Waveheart.

    "Yes." Waveheart mumbled, dodging her gaze. Her pelt rippled uneasily.

    "I hope this goes smoothly. You know, ThunderClan may not even be there! We just have to make sure no rogue flees for help." Swiftlake tried to make the gray-and-white she-cat feel better, but Waveheart only shrugged, muttering unintelligible things.

    Swiftlake pulled away from her, sighing. Waveheart's attitude got her a little nervous for the battle now. What if things didn't go smoothly?

    We outnumber them. Two Clans versus a Clan - if they're even there - plus a little more. Swiftlake told herself, welcoming some WindClan cats to the first group.

    "Are we ready?" Marigoldstar asked, eyes raking the groups. "Okay, this looks good. I want complete silence now." She turned away, leading the two Clans.

    Anxiety swarmed in Swiftlake's belly. Her heart grew louder with every step they took, getting closer to the camp.

    Like I said... we could just be fighting the rogues, and there's not a lot of them. Swiftlake blinked slowly, trying to slow down her rapid breathing.

    Marigoldstar lifted her tail, halting all of them. She twisted around, head tilting back to signal the first group was to go in with her. Dread and anticipation stirred within her.

    Swiftlake was directly behind Marigoldstar. Her pale amber eyes flitted around the camp. It smelled faintly of ThunderClan.

    "Swiftlake, Waveheart, check that den." Marigoldstar pointed to a small den.

    The two warriors cautiously approached the den.

    "Wait." Waveheart whispered, looking over her shoulder, watching Marigoldstar. "We'll engage once the others start checking the other dens."

    "Why?" Swiftlake hissed. "Let's just go-"

    Waveheart's face twisted into a snarl. "Fine! Go!" she shoved Swiftlake into the den.

    Several eyes landed on her pelt when she landed in the den. Swiftlake screeched with surprise, dodging a swipe.

    "ThunderClan's here!" Swiftlake backed out, meeting Waveheart's knowing gaze. She turned away just as Swiftlake was knocked down.

    Swiftlake growled, twisting around to swipe at her opponent. Her paw hit somewhere painful, for her opponent let out a cry of pain, getting off of her. Marigoldstar had caterwauled, signaling for the other two groups to come.

    Swiftlake got to her paws and scurried away from whoever she was fighting.

    Where is Waveheart? Swiftlake growled, scanning the camp that was blossoming into a battle arena. She turned around, spotting her gray-and-white pelt. Baring her teeth, Swiftlake launched after the she-cat, chasing her down. Waveheart actually wasn't aware of her until the last second when Swiftlake knocked her over.

    "How did you know?" Swiftlake spat, digging her claws into Waveheart.

    "Know what?" Waveheart snarled, paws flailing.

    "You knew ThunderClan warriors were in there. You pushed me in! I could've..." she trailed off, thinking about what actually could've happened. "Point is, you know things."

    Waveheart heaved upwards, head slamming against the dirt when Swiftlake pushed her back down. "I scented them." Her dark blue eyes were aflame, glaring daggers at Swiftlake.

    "I don't believe you. You pushed me in like you wanted me dead." Swiftlake glowered back, mind racing back to when Waveheart arrived in camp. "You weren't hunting, were you?"

    "I was!" her tone lacked genuine sincerity.

    "You warned ThunderClan, you traitor!" Swiftlake cried, horrified.

    Waveheart's paw finally smacked Swiftlake's chin up. Swiftlake gasped, releasing her grip on Waveheart. The gray-and-white warrior disappeared before Swiftlake could go after her.


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