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Mistysong stared at her brother, eyes round with curiosity. He was gazing at the stars, seemingly in deep thought. With nothing better to do, she padded up to him, halting beside him.

    "What are you thinking about?" Mistysong asked quietly, pointing her muzzle up to the stars too.

    "Nothing important." Honeystar vaguely replied, but Mistysong wasn't about to turn tail and give up. He seemed rather torn.

    "Something's on your mind." Mistysong pressed, hoping Honeystar wouldn't snap at her for being so nosy.

    "I'm just wondering what life would be like if I hadn't decided to trod down such a dark, bloody path?" Honeystar thankfully didn't snap at her. His words made her perk up with interest.

    "Are you regretting your choices?" Mistysong's question was barely a whisper. "There's still time for StarClan's forgiveness."

    "No, no. I was always destined to play the villain." Honeystar rose to his paws, turning completely to her. "I have to if I want to make a name for myself."

    As she stared into Honeystar's eyes, she noticed a glint in his green eyes that she'd never seen in his eyes - in fact, she'd never seen that glint in any cat's eyes.

    Honeystar looked away, saying one last thing.

    "They'll finally understand what terror means."


shortest epilogue yet. whatever, its fine!

that's the end of the third book, and truthfully, the most bOrINg book yet. the fourth and fifth are exciting, trust me <3


Warriors: A Shadow in the Light - Tainted Honey [Book Three]Where stories live. Discover now