Chapter 12: Shivering Shovel Search

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The scene takes place on the beach near Kukui's house, Niku and Ash were in the middle of training with Litten, to learn Fire Fang.

Ash: Alright, Litten. Let's give it our all! Come on!

Litten arched it's back, and began charging up it's flames.

Rotom Dex: Litten's temperature is rising!

Niku: Ursuluna, get ready.

Ursuluna: Ursa.

Ash: Now, use Fire Fang!

Litten then began charging towards Ursuluna, who was getting close, but Ursuluna puts a claw up and blocked the Fire Fang but it failed to activate so Litten bit on the hand.

Litten: Litt... Litten! Litt!

Ursaluna: ...

Using it's other hand, Ursuluna just grabbed Litten and threw Litten to the ground.

Niku: Is that all you got?

Litten: Litten!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika...

Eevee: Vee, Eevee.

Vulpix: Vul, Vulpix.

Ash: Well, I think you got pretty close...

Litten: Litt...

Ursaluna: Ursa! Ursaluna!

Niku: Ursuluna doesn't like wasting time, if you give up now, you'll never get strong. Try again.

Litten: Litt!

Ash: Why don't we try again?

Ursuluna: Ursa!

Ursuluna proceeded to show Litten how to charge up it's power by charging up Take Down.

Rotom Dex: Breathe in heavily, just like that. At this point, the energy is increasing in power inside it's body.

Ash: Litten, mimic that.

Litten: Litt!

Copying Ursuluna, Litten's power began to increase, as flames began to grow stronger within it's flames.

Niku: Go for it!

Urusluna: Ursa!

Using Take Down, Ursuluna demolished a massive rock.

Litten attempted to run towards Ursuluna, using Fire Fang, but ended up tripping on it's face

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Litten attempted to run towards Ursuluna, using Fire Fang, but ended up tripping on it's face.

Litten attempted to run towards Ursuluna, using Fire Fang, but ended up tripping on it's face

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