Chapter 55: Beauty is Only Crystal Deep

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A couple days have passed after defeating Hapu and earning the Groundium Z. At the hidden mansion, Niku and Eevee along with Zeraora are looking at all the Z Crystals he's earned and found.

 At the hidden mansion, Niku and Eevee along with Zeraora are looking at all the Z Crystals he's earned and found

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Niku: It's done. I have Z Crystals for every type.

Eevee: Eevee.

Zeraora: Zera.

While outside the mansion, an Ultra Hole appeared and something came out and landed on the ground with a hard thud. It was loud enough to catch their attention.

Niku: Huh?

Eevee/Zeraora: Vee?/Zera?

They ran outside to see a feminine looking figure laying down on the ground.

???: Mosa.

Niku: Whoa, what's that?

They ran over to see the injured creature, to look closely.

They ran over to see the injured creature, to look closely

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Niku: Hey, are you alright?

???: Phero. Mosa.

Niku: Pheromosa? Is that your name?

???: Pheromosa!

Niku looked at the injuries and can see some damage.

Niku: You must have, come from an Ultra Hole, right?

Pheromosa: Mosa.

Niku: I figured as much. I don't recognize you. But nevermind, let's get you patched up.

Pheromosa: Mosa!

The Ultra Beast slapped his hand away not wanting help.

Niku: Hey, hey! Listen, you have choice. You can either leave and get yourself into more trouble or you you can stay and let us patch you up?

Pheromosa looked towards the forest and back at Niku. It can see that Eevee and Zeraora are not gonna attack it without saying so. It didn't want to trust a human but giving a choice is something unexpected. Closing its eyes and then looked at Niku.

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