Chapter 84: Director of Paldea vs Champion of Paldea Pt. 3

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The battle will now is about to end with very soon. Clavell has defeated Niku's Infernape with his Houndoom. Right now Clavell has lost 4 and Niku has lost two of his Pokémon. When Infernape was returned, Niku brought out his new member Silvally nicknamed "Chimera". Viewers watched and some were surprised to see it while some showed fear due to the roar it made. So now let's continue on.

Clavell: Niku I don't know what that creature is. But I can tell it's raring to go.

Niku: True. Also this is Chimera's first battle.

Clavell: Wait, it is?!

Niku: Yes.

Clavell: Are you sure that's ok?

Niku: Of course. It want's to show you some power you've never seen yet.

Clavell: Is that so? Well then let's go!

Niku: Alright then, Chimera, Swords Dance!

Chimera: Silvally!

Chimera summoned multiple swords twirling as it raises its Attack stats.

Clavell: Alright Houndoom, use Sludge Bomb!

Houndoom: Hound!

Houndoom spits out Sludge Bomb.

Niku: Match it with Tri Attack!

Chimera: Vally!

Chimera fires off a three-beam into the Sludge Bomb attack making an explosion.

Clavell: Thunder Fang, go!

Houndoom came out of the smoke to attack Chimera with Thunder Fang.

Niku: Dodge it!

Chimera: Silvally!

Chimera jumped over in time to dodge it as it landed behind Houndoom.

Niku: Now use Crush Claw!

Chimera: Vally!

Chimera made a fast leap and strong slash on Houndoom.

Clavell: Houndoom!

Houndoom felt that one as it growled and looked towards Chimera with a glare.

Clavell: Houndoom, Fire Blast!

Houndoom: Houndoom!

Houndoom spits out a huge Fire Blast.

Niku: Stand still and take it!

Clavell: What?!

Chimera: Vally!

Chimera stood still as the Fire Blast came in contact and is pushing Chimera back.

Niku: Don't give up, Chimera!

Chimera was being pushed some more when it shouted pushed the Fire Blast into the sky as it dissipated.

The viewers are shocked to see Chimera managed to pull that off.

Cynthia: It pulled that off?!

Diantha: And it's a new member of his team! How can it be so strong already?!

Leon: I don't believe it!

Hop: Same here bro!

Colress: Chimera is a lot stronger than I expected.

Penny: It's unbelievable!

Clavell: Now use Dark Pulse!

Houndoom: Doom!

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