Chapter 75: Home in Paldea

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The scene takes place in the Paldea Region, a home to Niku and Eevee. Right now, he is riding on Lunala and is being followed by the Ultra Beasts.

Up in the sky, Niku is looking down for his home. It's not very far and he can see it.

 It's not very far and he can see it

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Niku: There it is, Eevee. We're home at last.

Eevee: Eevee!

Niku: Lunala land there!

Lunala: Nala!

Lunala landed on the trail in front of the house. When Lunala landed, him and Eevee, as well as the Ultra Beasts landed to see the home he lives in.

Niku: Home sweet home. Guys, welcome to your new home, in the Paldea Region.

All the beasts responded in agreement.

Niku: You all wait here. I'll head inside.

Niku and Eevee ran to the house and opened the door.

Niku: Everything is still here.

Eevee looked around and then noticed something moving and so she ran to the spot.

Eevee: Eevee!

Niku: Hm?

He saw Eevee running and looked to see who she was running to. Niku's eyes widened in shock to see who it was.

 Niku's eyes widened in shock to see who it was

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???: Voir!

Niku: Hey, Athena!

Eevee ran up into her arms and cried. Athena petted her head, so glad to see her again. Eevee then jumped down while Athena jumped onto Niku and hugged him.

 Eevee then jumped down while Athena jumped onto Niku and hugged him

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