Finale: The Road To A New Adventure

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After the battle with Clavell, Niku was suddenly teleported back to his house. He wondered if it was Athena who did it but it was none other then Mew. Mew is known to have the DNA of every single Pokémon contained within its body. It might have followed Niku around the place but there's no way to tell.


The next day has arrived and Niku along with Eevee and Dexter are inside the Director's office. There's also Colress and Geeta. When he came in, the explanation started and they were shocked to hear it.

Clavell: So it was Mew?!

Niku: Yep.

Geeta: The Legendary Pokémon, Mew?!

Colress: I don't believe it!

Niku: Dexter if you please.

Dexter: With pleasure.

Dexter floated to them and revealed a picture of Mew up close. Geeta grabbed him and was more surprised to see it.

Geeta: It's true! Come closer!

Colress and Clavell came in to see it with widened eyes.

Clavell: Seeing Mew in Paldea is a new sight!

Colress: Niku, just how did you get to meet Mew?!

Niku: Actually this is the second time.

All: What?!

Niku: ...-_-... Keep it down would ya?

Eevee: ...-_-... Vee.

Dexter: How did you encounter it before?

Niku: When I visited Kanto with the Alolan School. There was an angry Onix chasing someone or something and when I dealt with it Mew appeared. I don't know if it was luck or something else.

Clavell: Some story that is.

Geeta: Not many people get see Mew.

Colress: Indeed.

Dexter: And that's not all!

All: Huh?

Dexter: I'm the first Pokédex to have Mew's data! Allow me! " Mew. The New Species Pokémon. Mew is said to possess the genetic composition of all Pokémon. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people."

Clavell: Niku, I don't know why Mew is interested in you. But you just keep on bringing me interesting news and stuff when you come back.

Niku: If you say so.

Colress: So I assume your gonna tell us what you're gonna do now?

Niku: Yes. I'm gonna head out now to the Orre Region.

Clavell: I expected this. Don't worry, Niku. I told the Professor Krane about you coming.

Niku: Thanks, Director.

Colress: I'll be around if you need to transfer your Pokémon.

Niku: I know you will Colress. And good luck with your career here in the academy.

Geeta: After you're done. We should have a full battle.

Niku: I can't refuse that.

Dexter: Hey Niku.

Niku: Hm?

Dexter: Be careful in Orre.

Niku: I will Dexter. Also, you better be ready for more data to be transfered to you. I get the feeling you will reach greater heights then what you are now.

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