Chapter 82: Director of Paldea vs Champion of Paldea Pt.1

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We now begin the battle with Niku and Director Clavell. Niku starts off with his Torterra and Clavells first is Oranguru. The battle is being watched by many others around the world. Some Champions and a few trainers who are curious to see how strong Niku is. Geeta is the referee and is now gonna begin the battle.

Geeta: Alright, let the battle begin!

Clavell: Ok, Organgura Trick Room!

Organgura: Oranguru!

Niku: Hm?

Oranguru proceeded to use Trick Room on the battlefield.

Niku: ( Want to attack first like last time.)

Dexter: Niku, you what this means?

Niku: I do. Torterra, Rock Polish!

Torterra: Terra!

Torterra shouted as the red aura surrounds it to increase its speed.

Cynthia and Diantha watched it and are confused.

Cynthia: Even with Trick Room and Rock Polish activated who knows how this will go.

Diantha: But something's odd.

Cynthia: Huh?

Clavell: Now, use Brick Break!

Oranguru: Oranguru!

Niku: Dodge it!

Torterra made a surprising dash away from the Brick Break attack, shocking everyone.

Clavell: It moved faster Oranguru?!

Niku: Now, Crunch!

Torterra appeared behind Oranguru and bit on its legs with a super effective Crunch.

Clavell: Use Foul Play!

Oranguru made a quick comeback with Foul Play as Torterra released it from its mouth.

Clavell: I'm surprised Niku. I thought Trick Room would help Oranguru.

Niku: It was a gamble I made.

The champions were wondering about what he said.

Niku: While I know the moves we first used raises speed but there's still a chance that slowest Pokémon can be opponents Pokémon instead of the user itself.

Cynthia was shocked to hear that.

Cynthia: So that's why.

Diantha: I gotta say. That was really clever.

???: Not bad, Niku.

Clavell: Impressive, now use Zen Headbutt!

Oranguru: Orang!

Niku: Headlong Rush, let's go!

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