Scene 3

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Now Playing: Kiss Ur Face Forever - Orla Gartland

A few weeks had passed and things were going relatively well, at least as well as it could be working on a completely new project with some people you don't like. They were giving a two month deadline (which was rapidly approaching) for the script and songs, which was going... okay. Kind of. They had already done the casting, Felix leading as their gen-z Romeo and Yeji (Hyunjin's twin sister) as Juliet. 5 of the other members of their newly-found team had roles within the show and so did some other girls that auditioned and earned their parts. The chaos, however, started to unravel the day after they were deciding the 'looks' and the lead role's costumes. Things went well that day, they chose their 'look' and visual appearance for the show. A pop-punk teen vibe, honestly quite cool if you asked me. The costumes for Felix and Yeji were perfect, at least the basic sketch Hyunjin made was. The chaos started the very next day, when two of them remembered they left something in the prop cupboard.

And that my friends is the reason why Hyunjin and Minho got trapped in the prop cupboard together.

"You left your phone on charge in your dorm?" Minho spoke, no emotion except 'pissed' identifiable in his tone or expression.

"Yes. You dropped yours in the toilet last night." Hyunjin replied, acting exactly the same as Minho. Neither of them were happy to be there.

"I told you that with confidence!"

"Try the door again." Hyunjin ordered, feeling the eyes of the puppets hanging on the walls staring into his soul. It was a fair sized room but had so many props and stuff in it that it left the two almost touching, barely no space to move if they didn't want to touch.

"You do it." Minho snapped back, he wouldn't admit the panic he was feeling in the moment.


"Why not?"

"Don't wanna."

"Oh fuck you." Minho rolled his eyes, gripping the door handle and rattling it aggressively. He moved one hand and banged hard on the oak-wood structure, hoping someone, anyone would hear. He was too busy stressfully attacking the damn door in hopes it would grab somebody's attention to notice the words that had subtly slipped from Hyunjin's lips.

"Do it yourself bitch."

At least he didn't notice until it processed in his head.

"What did you just say?" Minho questioned the younger, stopping his movements and turning to glare at the male dead in the eyes.

"You heard me." Hyunjin just smirked.

A smirk Minho desperately had to ignore, he wasn't outing himself to that annoying idiot so damn easily just because the guy was hot. Yeah, he'd admit it. Hyunjin was fucking hot (but everyone knew that).

"I'm straight you asshole, so no thanks." Minho replied, definitely not expecting what Hyunjin said next. Damn that guy has the most unexpected shit come out of his mouth and he knows far too much.

"Why'd I see you working at a literal queer cafe last weekend then?"

Minho panicked, fuck fuck fuck, Hyunjin was not supposed to know that. "Th-that wasn't me." He stuttered (and mentally cursed himself for it), he couldn't be any less obvious, could he?

"Hey, I'm not trying to judge you. Trust me, I know what it's like to have people treat you like shit for your sexuality." Hyunjin's voice became gentle, he could sense Minho's panic. He understood Minho's panic.

The older didn't reply, he just stood there silently and looking around at everything but Hyunjin's eyes. The silence was awkward. Hyunjin broke it.

"Minho, look at me."

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