Scene 19

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Now Playing: End Of Beginning - Djo

-10 years later-

Chan was running around the theatre, frantically trying to find Seungmin. They had started the writing of a new musical to be performed at the theatre they owned with the others.

Have you ever seen a 29 year old run around like a mad-man in drastic search of somebody? Well, Hyunjin had.

"What the fuck are you doing Chris?" Hyunjin asked, looking down at the man from where he stood by the lightboard.

The elder jumped, surprised to find Hyunjin standing up there and gazing down at him like a hawk. "Looking for Seungmin, have you seen him?"

"Oh, he's out back sorting props with Val." Hyunjin replied, pointing over to the backstage area where the props were held.

Chris shrugged, it made sense for Seungmin to be there. He found comfort in sorting props when he was stressed, especially when he did it with Valentine (his and Jeongin's 10 year old daughter, whom they adopted a few years previous).

"Thanks mate!" Chan called upwards, earning a thumbs up in reply from Hyunjin, before he wandered back stage.

After a few moments of searching, he spotted and approached the man and his daughter.

"Hey Chris!" Valentine beamed, looking up from what she was doing. They seemed to be organising the handheld props into piles. It seemed to be sorted by what type of thing it was, whether it be a dagger or an umbrella.

The mention of someone else's name caught Seungmin's attention, causing him to lift his head to look towards the mentioned person. "Oh, hey Chan. Are you okay?"

"Just wondering, do you know how to work the new stage curtains? I tried to do it and nearly had a meltdown so..." Chan explained, pointing behind him as he spoke for extra emphasis.

"Oh, yeah I do. I'll show you." Seungmin stood up, approaching the man and completely forgetting about what he was doing for a moment. "Are you okay now? Felix is sorting costumes if you need to find him, I know how much your fiance is a help to you in situations like that." Ever since Chris and Felix got engaged, Seungmin had referred to one Aussie (when talking to the other) as 'your fiance'.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

"Val, go help Felix hon."  Seungmin directed his daughter, with a gentle smile. He was so good with her, always made sure she was okay and that she wasn't left alone. She had PTSD from her trauma from before she adopted, so Seungmin and Jeongin were even more protective over her. If a good parent could get more protective. Although, despite that, the girl was an absolute chaos wreaking menace.

"Okay Dad," She replied, standing up and taking a breath before screaming: "FEEEELLIIIIIXXXX!!!!!"

"She's so loud?" Chan whispered to Seungmin as they walked towards the side of the stage.

"We're debating getting her assessed for ADHD." Seungmin said, blankly.

"But ADHD isn't just being loud?"

"That's not just why, she's literally just a younger and female Jisung." Seungmin pointed out.

Chan couldn't help but agree with him. "True."

----- 30 minutes later -----

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" The sound of Felix screeching filled the building, causing Chan and Seungmin's heads to snap in the direction of the sound.

"What the fuck was that?" Minho, who somehow appeared right by their sides, asked.

"Chan's fiance." Seungmin spoke, with a chuckle as he knew exactly the reason why. "Valentine found the halloween event costumes, I assume."

"But Felix doesn't even participate in the event? As he gets too scared?" Hyunjin, who also appeared by their sides and had his arms wrapped around Minho's waist in a back hug, questioned.

Chris sighed, "Exactly." He said, before running to where the scream originally came from. "Is anybody dead?" He asked, when he arrived at the 'crime scene'.

"Jeongin seems to be." Changbin, who was just standing there watching, replied. Chan's gaze turned to Jeongin, who was doubled over and cackling away at the situation.

"This girl is gonna be the death of him, I swear on it." Jisung voiced, watching the comically distraught Australian basically crawl towards his lover.

The mentioned girl, was laughing so hard with a horror clown hat over her head. "Grow some balls Yongbok." She rolled her eyes, sassily.

"OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!" Felix yelled, Valentine seemingly having gotten to Felix's final straw. "YANG JEONGIN! PARENT YOUR FUCKING CHILD!"

Jeongin didn't actually say anything, just laughed harder at what seemed to be a hilarious situation to most people at the scene. Even Chan had to suppress a couple chuckles, keeping his joy of the situation on the down low for the sake of his lover.

"Don't laugh!" Felix punched Chan in the arm, lightly but still harder than intended. Seems Chan failed to hide his laughter.

"It's funny though!" Chris defended himself, deciding to guide Felix away from the situation. "Let's go get you a coffee, shall we? Didn't you say you had an idea for a musical?"

"Yeah, I did. About a group of students at university. 4 theatre students and 4 music students, who develop an unlikely friendship and discover themselves through the disasters and moments of growing up and keeping secrets."

"Feels familiar," Chan smiled, sitting Felix down at a table away from the chaos after the man had calmed down. "What would you call it?"

Felix gave his fiance a look, one that told more than words could do, before pecking his cheek. "Guess."

"I dunno! Go on! Tell me!" Chan laughed, holding Felix's hand beneath the table.



And when I'm back in Chicago, I feel it,
Another version of me, I was in it,
I wave goodbye to the End Of Beginning.




I hope you enjoyed Secrets. Despite it taking just under two months to finish it, I did love writing it. A story I thought of on a whim, one I started 3 (maybe 4, can't remember) other stories during the process of writing and finished two (including one I started before this). I also wrote a lot of oneshots during this as well! I really struggled for motivation with this and was one of the most difficult things so far in my writing journey (yes, fanfiction is apart of the beginning of my writing journey).

I hope it was better for you, than I'm giving my self credit for (ma fellow self-depricating ppl rise up!) and I hope it was worth it! This is also the longest fic i've ever written (probably both chapter and word count wise). I love every single person that reads my stories and being able to represent myself in this story was definitely a special one. I see you my queers and my neurodivergents, you aren't alone! Being able to reflect myself in some of the scenes about autism was a great opportunity for me too (they were also the fastest chapters I've written in this, mainly because I didn't get distracted!)


Choose how you keep your Secrets carefully, xoxo Ash <3

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