Scene 10

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Now Playing: Angel Baby - Troye Sivan

Hyunjin and Minho were searching the entire university building. Looking for Jisung. Who was someone who meant the world to the Hwang-Lee couple.

"Where do you think he might be?" Hyunjin asked, as they came to a stop. The two stood for a moment, catching their breaths after running so fast.

Minho, once he had regained the air to his lungs, slid his hand into Hyunjin's. "I really don't know... he tends to sit in his sadness or overwhelm. So he'd go somewhere that brings him bad memories."

Hyunjin took a moment to think, and he thought about everything he could. Every image, scene or idea he could think of was flashing in his head. As if he was trying to imagine Jisung's memories that he knew of, until he came to one that could've hurt the boy. He soon stopped at one thought, one that was secretly hopeful for Hyunjin himself too. "Maybe he's in the prop cupboard?"

"Why would he be there?"

"He walked in on us kissing, remember? Maybe it upset him." Hyunjin explained, him and Minho had both established their polyamory by then and their mutual crush on the currently missing squirrel-like male.

"You're right, let's check there Jinnie!" Minho leant over and pecked his boyfriend's cheek, before dragging him down the hallway and past all the varying artworks by different students at the university (unfortunately none on that corridor included Hyunjin's work).

They eventually arrived at the auditorium, still running hand-in-hand and dashing down towards backstage and around to the prop cupboard.

They both stopped in their tracks outside the small room, the sound of loud sobbing coming from inside and a recognisable voice. It was Jisung.

"At least we found him?" Hyunjin whispered in Minho's ear, trying to lighten the mood.

"I guess so." Minho whispered back, before becoming the first of the two to step forward. He slowly pulled open the, already slightly ajar, door to reveal a crying Jisung. "Sungie?" Minho spoke, gentle and calm as not to startle the sobbing boy.

"M-Minho?" He mumbled, looking up and wiping his tears.

"Yeah, Hyunjin's here too."

"Oh, hi." Jisung voiced, clearly feeling embarrassed to have been spotted in such an emotional state. "What are you doing here?"

"I was gonna ask you the same question." Hyunjin chuckled softly, crouching down in front of the quokka-like person.

"You didn't come in here because of what you saw me and Jinnie doing in here that time, did you?" Minho asked, his personality trait of liking to get to the point, shining through. "I hope we didn't upset you."

"Well..." Jisung began, the amount of tears that fell from his eyes decreasing with each word, fortunately. "You did. You really upset me." Jisung decided to just be honest, he couldn't keep the truth in any longer. Who knew secrets could be so damaging to keep?

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Hyunjin." Jisung replied, his feelings that he tried to avoid were piecing together in his head, like a puzzle. "I was just..."

There was a moment of silence. Minho and Hyunjin only hoped and imagined what was about to be said. Jisung just hesitated.


"Jealous?" Minho asked suddenly, sounding genuinely surprised. Even though that was what he was desperate for the younger to say. "Of who?"

"Both of you? I don't really know how... but when I saw you doing that, well I wanted you both to do it to me? Does that make sense without sounding weird? Like, I wanna be apart of what you two have. I know you're boyfriends. I-" Jisung let all the truth fall out, all what he was scared of. No, terrified of. "I wanna be your boyfriend too? And I want you two to be my boyfriends?"

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