Scene 18

17 2 0

Now Playing: Colours Of You - Baby Queen

When Chris woke up, he didn't expect to wake up where he did. Not that he necessarily remembered what happened.

After he passed out, Felix panicked and refused to leave his side. He was waiting until the elder regained consciousness but after an hour, he still hadn't. So Felix assumed he was asleep (he was still breathing, don't worry) and took him back to his dorm to keep an eye on him (and interrogate him when he woke up).

Obviously, Chan was confused when he woke up in the dorm and by the side of the guy he had kissed, got his life basically saved by and had fallen in love with. That seemed pretty reasonable.

"Oh hey, you're awake." Felix gave a small smile, as he walked back into his bedroom to find a confused and half-asleep Chan at 8am the next morning. Felix willingly slept on the couch, so the injured male could be more comfortable.

"Felix? What the fuck is happening?" He said, a panicked expression on his features as he darted his eyes across the room. It was like he was looking for an escape, the pace of his breathing rapidly increasing.

"Hey, hey, don't panic." Felix spoke, rushing over to sit by Chris and calm him down. "You're safe, it's okay."

"Why am I here? Is this your dorm?"

"No, it's Jeongins." Felix rolled his eyes, "Of course it's my dorm!"

"Sorry? I didn't realise. What am I doing here anyway?" Chris, after finally processing that he was alive and where he was, asked.

"Well, last night, during the interval, you passed out."

"I passed out?"

"Yep, I panicked and basically refused to leave your side so Seungmin had to play Romeo for the second act of the show. After a while, you didn't wake up and I assumed you fell asleep. When you started snoring, I definitely knew that you were asleep and brought you here for the night. Don't worry, I slept on the couch." Felix explained, summarising the situation simply for the elder.

"You did all that for me?" Chan asked, an unreadable expression across his face. Felix didn't know what to think.

"Well, yeah. I care about you." Felix replied, trying to avoid eye-contact with Chan.

The older male paused for a moment, before opening his mouth to speak. "Why?"

"Why?" Felix repeated but in more of a 'why are you asking why' kinda way.

"Why? Why do you care about me?"

Felix was taken aback at the question, mainly because it got him thinking. Why did he care so much about him? Well, maybe Felix could see something behind the mask held infront of Chris. The mask that hid things like his autism and ADHD, and the mask that hid his true personality and morals. Or maybe it was the way Felix felt so drawn to him, like they were connected. Or the way that, when he did it, Chan's cute, dimpled smile could light up a whole room or a whole life. Felix's life.

"Well..." Felix began, questioning what to say and how to say it.


"There's more to you than meets the eye, Christopher Bahng. And I wish I had noticed that sooner, I could've saved you from a lot." Felix spoke, softly.

Chris shuffled in the bed, moving the covers he was still under and sitting so he was opposite Felix in a cross-legged position.

"It was your fault anyway." He mumbled, barely audible even to himself. Yet somehow, Felix had his focus on every single word to come out of the man's mouth and was ready for what he had to say.

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