Scene 17

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Now Playing: Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears For Fears

The third and final act. Nothing can go wrong on the third night too, right? Third times the charm!

Well, not this time.

The first Act went incredibly well, the audience's reactions were even better than the previous nights. Third time was the charm for the performance of Act 1.

It was smooth and enjoyable and perfect. Until the interval.

"Chan, are you sure you're okay?" Minho asked the aussie, who was leaning against the wall (as everyone seems to do here) and looked constipated (he wasn't, for the record).

"I just told you like twenty times, I'm in a shit ton of pain? I'll be fine, just go get ready for Act 2." He groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Minho asked again, like he often did. "I can send Jisung on whatever I need to do."

"Whatever it is, don't trust Jisung with it." He began, replying to Minho's statements in opposite order. "I'm sure."

"Okay, don't die!" Minho let out a small sigh before moving away, quicker than expected and leaving Chan to keep the phrase 'Don't get your hopes up' unspoken and in his mind.

Chan stayed still for a few more moments, hoping the pain would just disappear within those moments.

Spoiler alert! It didn't.

Instead, Chan was greeted with the sound of Seungmin calling his name from about three metres away.

"Hey! Chris! Can you help me with this?" The younger turned to look at the male, before turning back to whatever he needed help with.

Now. Chan tried to walk over to Seungmin.

But when he took the first step, the pain increased. And then the next step, he felt his vision blur slightly. And the next step, his legs felt weak.

He didn't take another step, although he moved to do so. He instead was met with a collision with the ground and his whole world turning black. The last thing he heard was the calling of his name.

"Chris? CHRIS!" Seungmin, Jeongin and Ryujin (Yeji's girlfriend and another member of the cast) along with various other people, ran over immediately.

Felix, who at that moment was on the other side of the backstage area, heard all the commotion and walked over to see what happened. Some form of an instinct kicking in when he saw Chan unconscious and he ran over too (but faster than the others), almost shoving everyone out of the way to get to him.

"What happened?" Felix asked, looking around rapidly at everyone around them and desperate for an answer. He had fallen to his knees beside Chan.

"I don't really know, he just passed out." Seungmin explained, sensing Felix's heightened fear and anxiety in the moment.

"That's not good, he was injured like two days ago and it must've either not healed properly or taken a toll on his body. I feel like he'll be fine but I can't leave him like this."

"But Lix, you go on stage in like five minutes!" Jeongin reminded Felix of the overall situation.

"Yeah! And no one else knows your lines!" Ryujin added, continuing on Jeongin's point.

"I'm sorry, I need to stay with him." Felix insisted, feeling guilty but still refusing to leave the elder's side.

"What are we gonna do about the show then?" Hyunjin, who had came over to the chaos too, spoke.

"Well..." Seungmin hesitated to say what he had to say.

"Well?" Hyunjin turned to him, like everyone else did.

"I memorised the entire script and and I know Felix's role off by heart..."

"That's perfect then!" Hyunjin cheered, getting ahead of himself.


"Listen, baby." Jeongin turned to look at his boyfriend, and take the male's hands into his. "I know you've gotten stage fright before, especially when it comes to singing but Minnie, you can do this and you're our only hope tonight. If Felix can't perform, it's gonna have to be you."

"You in?" Ryujin asked.

Seungmin took a deep breath, "I'm in."

"YES! That's my Seungmin!" Jeongin wrapped his arms around his lover's neck and hugged him tightly, giving him a couple of kisses. "Felix, do you know where the back-up costumes are?"

"Nope but Changbin will!" Felix smiled, giving Seungmin a thankful look before turning his attention back to Chan.

"He's right. I've got them here!" Changbin, who basically appeared from thin air, waved the spare costume in their faces.

Seungmin and Jeongin glanced at eachother, before following Changbin to quickly get changed and head on stage at the start of the act.

Seungmin stepped out onto the stage and performed his heart out, shocking everyone (including himself) with his insane singing skills and vocals. He was also an incredible actor and person for facing his stage fright. He performed amazingly and got the best reactions he could imagine from the audience.

And from his boyfriend when he went backstage at the end of his performance.

"That's my Minnie!" Jeongin beamed pulling his boyfriend into a massive hug before seperating, and holding eachother for a moment. They gazed into eachother's eyes before pressing their lips together. "You did it." Jeongin whispered before getting kissed again.

Yes, Felix was still sat on the floor next to an unconscious Chan after an hour. And yes, Jisung and Minho weren't even aware of Chan having passed out. And yes, Changbin had disappeared again.

But who cares, Seungmin faced his stage fright and has the proudest lover in existence. Kim Seungmin world domination (something he could probably achieve). (This paragraph may or may not have been written by Mr. Yang Jeongin).


We will find you,
Acting on your best behaviour,
Turn your back on mother nature,
Everybody wants to rule the world


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