Scene 11

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Now Playing: Blush - Wolf Alice

"Where's Chan?" Was all Minho had to ask.

It was 2 hours before their opening night of the show. Nothing was allowed to go wrong.

"What do you mean 'where's Chan?'?" Hyunjin asked, he sounded confused and angry.

They couldn't handle anything going wrong.

"He hasn't been seen all day?" Changbin added, sounding unsure of himself.

But, it seems fate has it's ways of ruining everything.

"Where's Chan?" Was all Minho had to repeat.

And everything seemed to be going wrong.

"Where's Chan?" Was all Minho had to say for the third time, before Felix stood up from his spot and ran out of the auditorium. Searching for the elder.

"Well our lead is gone too now." Jeongin commented, watching the Australian leave the large double doors.

"He's gone to look for Chan." Seungmin said, obviously not realising that everyone else already knew that.

"That doesn't matter. Neither of them are here." Jisung sighed.

Chan was missing. Felix had gone looking for him. Two hours before showtime.

"But tonight has to go perfectly." Minho's voice sounded shaky. His eyes darted around at every chair in the auditorium, and then onto everyone around him. "If they aren't here then, it won't."

"Minho?" Hyunjin voiced, slowly approaching the male who was stood frozen to the spot. "Are you okay?"

Minho blinked rapidly, beginning to hyperventilate as he was trying to block out everything around him, "I don't know." He managed to say, his voice clearly sounding panicked.

"He's having a meltdown." Seungmin muttered, to which Jeongin immediately realised that his boyfriend was right and guided Changbin and himself towards back stage. Leaving Minho, his boyfriends and Seungmin.

Minho fell to the ground, landing harshly but ignoring the pain. He curled into a ball on the floor and placed his knees tight against his chest, tears dripping from his eyes. "Tonight needs to go perfect." He mumbled, letting out noises of distress. Cries that increased in volume, rapidly.

"Minho?" Jisung spoke, gentle with his words. Him, Hyunjin and Seungmin crouched down nearby the overwhelmed male. "Is there anything we can do?"

"Seungmin? What do we do? You said he's having a meltdown, right?" Hyunjin practically begged Seungmin for answers on how to support Minho in this moment of distress.

"JUST GO AWAY! I'm not having a fucking meltdown!" Minho cried, startling Seungmin and causing the puppy-like boy to flinch.

"We can't leave you like this." Jisung offered his hand out to Minho, who refused to take it.

"Let's step back." Seungmin suggested, standing up and taking a few steps away by himself.

The two other men didn't move, they just watched as their boyfriend curled into himself and laid on the hard, cold stage. He let out loud, harsh sobs as hot tears rolled down his cheeks. His breath was shaky and fast, it made him dizzy.

"Hey, hey, slow your breathing down." Hyunjin whispered, placing a soft hand on Minho's arm.

He felt Minho's physical shaking calm down from the touch, almost signalling for him to come closer. He beckoned Jisung over and the two laid on either side of Minho, wrapping him between them.

"Is this okay? Is it helping?" Hyunjin asked, hoping he had found an effective method of supporting the man.

"Yeah." Minho whispered, still crying but now into Jisung's chest.

"I'm so happy we found a way to help." Jisung smiled, his arm wrapped around both of his boyfriends.

Around fifteen minutes passed and the sound of Minho's sobs faded away.

"Are you okay for us to let go now?" Hyunjin asked, feeling Minho's nod against his arms as he moved away.

"Sorry." Minho muttered sheepishly, he must've been embarrassed to have been seen in such an emotional state.

"Don't apologise Minho, it's not your fault." Seungmin cut the male off before he could speak further, "This situation has taught me that not all autistic people are the same as me, especially when it comes to what helps."

"But I'm not autistic?" Minho basically protested, desperate to avoid this new narrative pushed upon him.


"No. I don't wanna talk about this right now Seungmin, I just want tonight to go well." Minho sighed, needing even just a minute to reset himself.

"Oh, okay." Seungmin understood what Minho meant, but all he wanted to do was help.

"I need to sit down, breathe and just hope Felix finds that idiot that keeps disappearing."


Curse the things that made me sad for so long,
Yeah, it hurts to think that they can still go on,
I'm happy now,
Are you happy now?

- Blush


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