Scene 5

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Now Playing: Nobody Really Cares - Baby Queen

Chan and Felix. The main focus of this story and neither have been focused on. Let's change that.

During all the chaos of Hyunjin and Minho's secrets and Seungmin's overwhelm towards deadlines, Chan and Felix were getting along just fine (somewhat, at least). Chan wouldn't have classed them as 'friends' but Felix would've. They spoke (mainly about the musical) and got along to an extent. Chan suppressed the irritation certain things about the male caused him and decided to be a, somewhat, good person. After all, he was a good person but he was just incredibly misunderstood and not necessarily just by the people around him. He was misunderstood by himself as well, he had no idea who he was and was terrified to find out. Felix saw all of that. He read him like a book, he just couldn't peer past the secrets the older kept. There was many.

Felix had been spending the majority of his time rehearsing for their musical (with Hyunjin's sister who obviously plays Juliet). He took his role as Romeo very seriously and had gotten very hyperfixated on perfecting the script and songs. He even got singing lessons from the music students, every day. They rotated in order of; Minho, Changbin (who was more into rapping but damn could he sing anyway), Jisung and Chan. The chaos unleashed (even more, at least) when Chan didn't show up one day and Felix had curiousity and the inability to stay out of other people's business.

Chan didn't want to see Felix. He didn't want to see Felix ever again. It wasn't because of anything the younger had necessarily done it was about how Chris had started to feel around him. Imagine having a view on something your whole life, having being raised to think this way and strongly living by it and then somehow starting to realise you are the very thing you are supposed to be against? That's kind of what Chan was going through and it all came down to a cute, freckled actor. Every moment Chan spent with the male, he could just feel himself falling further and harder. Falling into what? Or should I say for who? You've surely figured that out already? Right? Chan's still in denial, so if you have, you admitted it before he did.

Felix couldn't even think of where Chris had gone, but he wasn't gonna just let it go. Especially not after the elder had already started distancing himself from the group and particularly Felix. He needed more information, he wanted to help and he wanted to know. That's what led him to the music practice rooms. That's what led him to knocking on the door and hearing Minho yell 'Come in!'. That's what led him to walking in. That's what led him talking to Minho while he tuned his bass guitar.

"So... what brings you here? Don't you have a singing lesson?" Minho spoke, his accent thick through his words. Felix normally needed a second to process what's said to him but he's never had to take so long to do it. Minho's Scottish accent made a lot of things he says difficult to understand but, like Jisung, Changbin and Chan did, you learn to 'speak Minho'.

"That's the thing, Chan never showed up." Felix replied, his own accent just as strong. He really couldn't get annoyed at other people's accents, he's not the type to be hypocritical.

Minho rose in his seat, he seemed very pissed off. "Of course he did! I swear if this musical is shit because he can't-"

"No, I don't care about missing one lesson! That's not my problem."

"Then what's your fucking problem? Interrupting my bass time." Minho scoffed, you can quickly learn that Minho loves his 'bass time' and that he finds comfort in his instrument.

"I'm worried about him." Felix said, honestly.

He didn't necessarily expect an eye roll from the older in reply. "And why?"

"He's been distant recently anyhow, let alone not showing up at all. The musical is in 2 weeks, if he's struggling-"

"Here's some advice, Felix." Minho cut him off, obviously not very happy with him. "Try focusing on your own life for once, stay out of everyone else's business no matter how hard it is and leave people that aren't even your friends alone."

"What?" Felix was taken aback at the odd outburst and words from Minho, he knew the elder wasn't always the best at being nice with what he said but that wasn't an excuse for what he just done. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Listen, Felix, I'm sorry." Minho began, his tone switching to one more gentle. "I shouldn't have said it like that, but it's two weeks until you star in a musical. Cut yourself some slack and don't put more weight on your shoulders." Minho looked up at Felix, a genuine gaze behind his cold eyes. "I understand why you're worried, but you don't need to stress. It's just the way he is."

"Just the way he is?"


"I've known him for months now, he was never like this before except maybe at first!"

"And I've known him for years. Let it go, Felix."

"Fine. I'll try." Felix definitely was not about to 'let it go' and absolutely not just like that. When Felix believes something is wrong, he will fight for it to be right. No matter what the cost of it is. He'd die if it meant he'd be doing good.

There isn't necessarily anything wrong with doing good. It just becomes a problem when it does the opposite or causes more problems. Problems that Felix would kill to fix. Problems that Felix had a reputation of causing. He wasn't just gonna stop because things went wrong before. He wasn't gonna stop until he made things right. That was the thing with Felix Lee, he'd do anything for the sake of good, anything to make it right and anything for someone he cared about.

I guess this was a mash up of the three.


Crash your daddy's car,
Get kicked out of the bar,
Tell your boyfriend that it's over,
Write a song for Jodie Comer,
Cut your hair,
Nobody Really Cares


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