Among the Red Roses

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**All characters are over 18**

I've been waiting for this day since I first took Alice for myself.

Today was the day the Queen invited a few couples into  a secluded part of her gardens that were usually kept for those of higher or royal class. To keep her people happy though she allows established couples a few hours in each section of the garden. The bookings can take forever and no one is ever promised a spot until the second invitations go out. We finally received the second invitation from the Red Queen herself.

The day finally arrived and we made our way to the garden. The weather was perfect, warm and sunny, I could feel Alice's excitement as she stood next to me. We were surrounded by a few couples I knew and a few that I've never seen before. Alice is gently rocking on her heels and playing with some ribbons on my coat. 
"Are you excited my sweet little tart?" She grins at me with a wicked smile, but says nothing. I can tell she's up to something, but I don't have time to question it before the garden doors up and we're greeted by the Ace of hearts card.
"Welcome honored guests. Her majesty would like to extend her greetings and would remind you to stay within the colored roses that were presented with your second invitation. Her majesty has also laid out papers for you to write about your experiences for her own personal garden book. It is not required, but the royal court enjoys seeing how they may enjoy the garden's time. As you enter, present your rose and a card shall escort you to your section of the garden."  
The couples form a line and slowly are escorted into the garden. When it came to our turn I gave the heart card the red rose we were sent. I see his eyes light up as he looks at the color of the flower and chuckles.
"So you two are her majesty's favored couple of the year. Aren't you two lucky ones? It's rare for the red section to be opened to anyone, but the Queen and King. Follow me. Your instructions are pinned to the entrance post." I look at Alice surprised, but to my own shock she doesn't look like this is new information. Why would she hide this from me?
I have a thousand questions running through my mind as we follow the card through the maze. The sound of giggles and moans can be heard as we pass by different entrances that branch off from the maze. One of the  rules of the day was that nothing that happened once in the garden was not allowed to be talked about outside of the invited couples.
We got led to the deepest part of the maze. The smell of roses was the strongest here along with lavender and some wild flowers. The card stops at an archway covered in the wildflowers and roses and addresses us.
"Please read your instructions. Enjoy your time among the red roses." He winks at me before he turns and walks back into the maze. Disappearing out of view, but I can still hear a light chuckle trailing behind him.
"Ready Hatter?" Alice asks and moves the paper to show me as she reads along.

Having considered your request, I have decided to grant you the request. As the King and I remember the early days of our courtship, we want to let you indulge in your fantasy. Be mindful of the roses as the thorns are never pleasant when found in surprise. You may enjoy the garden till late tomorrow morning. All other couples are due to leave at sunset, but we are aware that the red roses seem to steal more time than the other parts of the garden. We only ask that you document your time among our favored roses. It shall be for only the king and I's viewing pleasure. No one else shall lay eyes on the story. If you choose to write about it please place the papers into the chest on the table, the key is with the chest.

I don't remember when Alice handed me the paper but when I looked up she was already gone. She left her glove at the entrance and I could see farther down the path she was leaving me a trail of her clothes. I feel my cock harden at the thought of her naked and waiting for me.  I start to loosen my shirt as I follow her trail. I'm left in only my pants when I finally make it through the entrance.
The center of the garden is a round open space with wooden structures that I don't recognize. As I take in the sights of the area I suddenly feel something wrap around my left wrist. I look and see Alice grinning at me as she wraps my other wrist in what looks like Jabberwocky leather.
"Very sneaky my tart, but isn't this supposed to be the other way around? I usually tie you up my love." She laughs at me and starts to lead me to two wooden pieces that look like a X. She attaches each of my wrists to one of the posts.
"So what brought this on?" I finally look at what she's wearing. It's a beautiful blue lace  nighty as she likes to call them. Once she's satisfied that I won't be moving she starts to kiss my neck. I moan at the feeling of her hot lips against my skin.
"I'm following the queen's rule." I must have made a confused noise because I heard her chuckle. Her lips never leave my neck or my collarbones as she explains.
"Why do you think I was invited for croquet with her majesty before the party? She was laying out the rules for this year's garden party with all the ladies. This year the women are to take charge. And since I told her the most interesting tales about our times together, she told me about the red rose garden. And when asked what section of the garden we'd like I asked for here. A place for us to indulge with pieces that we may never be able to recreate. And tomorrow she has requested you write up how you did the trick with our table and the hidden rings." She starts to palm my cock through my pants and I can't hear what she says after that. All I can hear is my blood pounding through my body as her words sink in, she's in charge while in the garden. It's something I've been meaning to bring up to her, my desire for her to tell me what to do. For me to be at her mercy. I want to know how she wants to use my body so I know what will please her more for other times.
Her kisses turn to bites as she presses her body against me and moves to undo my pants. 
"Be as rough as you want little tart. I'm yours to play with." She bites down hard on my shoulder as she frees my cock and gives it a rough few strokes. I have to concentrate hard on not cumming from the sudden roughness she's showing. I've only known her as a sweet and soft spoken plaything when we fuck, but seeing this side of her is exciting. I try to move my head to kiss any part of her, but she moves away from me.
"Little tart. Where are you going?"  I moan as she walks away from me. I watch as she walks over to a small table that I hadn't paid attention to. It has the chest from the instructions on it along with different lengths of leather around it. She grabs two different lengths of leather and seductively walks back to me.
"I've been tied up by you before, but you always made sure I could see what you were doing. This time you don't get to see or speak my Hatter. I want you to just feel  what I do for you." She uses the bigger piece to cover my eyes and I feel my cock jump. She giggles before she gags me.
"Show me our safe signal so I know when you've had enough." I smile under the gag and show her our signal though I doubt I'll use it today. The dark seems to make my skin more sensitive to her feather light touch. I work the gag in my mouth so it sits more comfortably in my mouth when I feel her move away from me. I can hear her walk back to the table and move something made of metal. My curiosity is fully peaked before I feel cold metal against my hip.
"Be still. I'm going to cut these pants off you. Don't worry though, her majesty said she'd happily replace anything we ruin while in the garden." She gently moves the knife down each of my pants legs, completely ruining them. Not that I minded. At this moment all I can think of is how hard my cock is and how much it's leaking into the grass. She gently slides the knife up my thigh, gently running the edge along my skin without breaking it. I moan as her free hand grips my cock around the base and squeezes softly.
"You're so hard already. If I knew you'd like me being in charge so much I would have tied you to our tea table ages ago." I hear her get on her knees in front of me and I feel myself leak more. I feel her tongue dart out and lick the tip clean. I bite down on the leather and try to hold back my orgasm. I don't think I've ever felt so hard before and I don't want to spoil our time by coming too fast. Alice though seems to have other ideas.
"Trying to hold back? Tsk Tsk Tsk. That simply won't do my love. You're always so generous with my orgasms, how could I deny you yours?" She laughs before she starts to suck my head. She only gives me a moment before she slides my entire length into her mouth and down her throat. She's determined to make me cum and fast. Feeling how her tongue slides along my length as she moves me in and out. She runs her nails down my thighs as she takes me into the back of her throat and I can't hold back any longer. I feel myself shoot cum down her throat. She swallows around me and runs her nails over my hips and towards my chest. She releases me with a pop. And I'm still rock hard.
"Such a tasty treat." She kisses me over the gag and I get a faint taste of my release. Such a naughty girl. She traces her nails down my ribs and I shudder.  Not being able to see her next move is exhilarating, no wonder why she loves it when I tie her up. I feel her unhook the cuffs from the X and gently lead me somewhere to my right. She stops me and gently places a hand on my chest.
"Sit down." Her words are firm, but still loving. I move slowly and feel the smooth wood beneath me as I sit. She moves behind me and again secures my wrists to something behind the chair.
"I thought you may need a few moments to sit and relax as I use you again."  She kisses around my gag before she gently removes it. Running her fingers through my hair she straddles me and rests my cock against her soaking wet pussy. She kisses me deeply and starts to grind against me. 
"Naughty little tart." I say against her lip and I feel her tug my hair back. I hiss and she chastises me.
"None of that today. I'm in charge and you'll behave properly or you won't like what I have planned for you." I can hear the seriousness in her voice and it makes my cock twitch. Part of me wants to test her limits, but the other part can't stop thinking of how wet her pussy is against me.
"Yes my love. I'll behave for you." She kisses me again and releases the tight hold she had on my hair still.
"Good boy." At her words she grinds herself harder against me and I feel a deep ache in my balls. I enjoy her being in charge a lot more than I thought I would. She moves to kiss my ear and darts her tongue across it. I groan and let my head roll back slightly. She's enjoying teasing us both far too much. I can feel her pussy starting to throb against me and I can tell she's getting close. I want to tell her to cum for me to let go and make a mess in my lap, but I bite my tongue. I refuse to spoil her for the first time having the confidence to dominate me.
She moans and pulls me into the crook of her neck. I know she's closer and silently telling me what she wants so I gently run my teeth across her neck. When she gets this close she always seems to lose her words so she puts me where she needs me.
"Fuck. Hatter!" She cries out and I bite down hard on her shoulder. I feel her gush against my cock. She rocks her hips against me a few more times as her orgasm starts to fade. And I gently kiss against my bite mark. I know how sensitive the skin where my mark is and I know it will get her ready for her next one faster.
"More." Her voice is a needy whine that sends shocks down my spine. Without warning she slams my full length into her sopping wet pussy.
"Please, little tart. Take what you want. Use me. I need it." I'm not above begging her for anything at this moment. I'm her toy. Her plaything. And nothing is more important than what she wants at this moment. She grips my hair again and starts to ride me. Deep and hard strokes. I'm almost positive her moans and cries could be heard through the whole maze and the rest of the gardens. Her voice is a sweet melody of her pleas and demands. A beautiful song of sex, lust, and a deep love for me. I don't know the sounds that come from my own throat, but I can only hope they sound good to her.
"Mine." She growls as she angles her hip so her clit rubs against me. I growl and pull against her grip so I could kiss behind her ear. She only loosens her grip enough so I could just reach the spot she loves. The mix of pleasure and pain is quickly becoming an addictive mixture. I can see why she loves the bite of the belt while I'm deep inside of her. In the blink of an eye she pulls my head back and bites down hard as I feel her explode around me. I can't stifle my groan as she grinds into me deeper as she cums.
We're both breathing hard as she finally releases her bite and lets go of my hair. She kisses me gently and I quietly ask.
"More. Please my little tart. We need more." She smiles against my lips and starts to move again

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