The Dr and Mrs Anniversary

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This is a part 2 to the Dr and the Monster story.

Tonight is the 75th anniversary of the hospital and more importantly it's Mary and my 5 year wedding anniversary.
I planned to surprise Mary with a weekend here at this 5 star hotel and spa. I have a full weekend planned of activities for us to do together from couple massages to a private movie showing.
Though, I've been uneasy these last few weeks. Hyde has been...listening to me. Not fighting what I ask and not popping in with violent or sexual outbursts when he feels "bored".
And it scares me. To my very soul.

The hotel's lobby was decorated for the fall season with fake pumpkins and colorful leaves. Autumn is Mary's favorite season so it made the most sense we'd marry in October.
"This place is so beautiful. We may have to come back to see their Christmas display and maybe we could sneak a lunch in so we can see how good their food is when it's not catered." She smiles at me and clings closer to my arm. I chuckle before I pull our room key from my pants pocket.
"How about we find out in the morning?" She looks at me with disbelief.
"We got a room for the night? That's so thoughtful my love!"
"The hospital paid for one night. So no one would end up as an ER patient. I paid for an all inclusive spa weekend for us to celebrate our 5 years of wedded bliss." She stares at me in pure shock as I lead her to the main ballroom where the party is being held.
Before she can't get a word in we're greeted by two of our new nurses at a small table handing out name tags.
"Hello Dr Jekyll. This must be your lovely wife that you're always raving about." The fresh out of college blonde one says. She beams at us and I know she's one of the few genuine nurses we have. I pray she moves to a better hospital soon.
"Yes Courtney. This is my Mary."
Our Mary Doc. Damn it.
Neither of the women notice me flinch.
Could you have picked a worse time?
Not my fault Doc. Seeing our wife in that tight red dress is making my mouth water.
"You'll be seated at table 42. And don't worry Dr. I switched some of the seating so certain people aren't at the same table." Mary looks at her slightly confused before she turns to me.
"Is she talking about pass around Daphne?" Courtney snorts then chokes on the sip of water she was taking. I laugh as I pass her my pocket square.
"I keep no secrets from Mary. She knows all about those attempts. Hence the fun nickname she's given to Daphne. Though, Mary, we really shouldn't say it out loud here. Most of these nurses survive off caffeine and gossip. Courtney and Chloe are two of the very few exceptions." Chloe finally smiles at us. I know she has crippling social anxiety which confused me as to why she was placed where she was for tonight's jobs.
"Don't worry girls. I know you'll both look out for my husband when he doesn't realize people are hitting on him." The lady's share a laugh.
I like when she's possessive of us.
There's no "us". She doesn't know you exist.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm your dirty little secret, but for how much longer Doc?
My heart starts to pound. Mary gently pulls me into the crowd and we start circling the room saying our hellos. We finally reach our table when I catch a glimpse of Daphne at a table across from us, glaring at Mary while her elderly board member date sips at some amber liquor.
"Pass around Daphne looks a bit upset." Mary fake pouts at me, making me laugh.
"Maybe if her face stays pinched she can blow her date better later tonight." I quickly bite my tongue. Cursing Hyde as he forced the words from my lips. Mary snorts and looks at me baffled.
"Well not even a drop of booze and you're already feeling catty." She leans in close to me and whispers.
"I like it. You don't always have to be the kind and gentle Doctor with me." She winks and I hear Hyde growl.
I wanna fuck her at this table. Publicly claim her pussy as ours. Mark our fucking territory.
SHUT UP! I will not lose my job and possibly my license for some sick thrill of yours.
We'll see.
I can hear the smirk in his voice as he disappears. Shit.
"Do you want a drink, love? Before the speeches start?" Mary flags down a server working the room with a tray filled with champagne and what could be whiskey or bourbon. She grabs two flutes of champagne and passes me one before thanking the boy.
"Here's to 5 years married and a lifetime left to share together." I smile.
"Together." My voice comes out sounding like both mine and Hyde's mixed. Thankfully before she could question the Chief of Surgery starts his welcome speech.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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