Witch in the Woods

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**all characters are over 18**

I finally caught the witch that's been lurking around my part of the woods.

"Well, well, well, look who it is. Little miss witch" I'm right behind her as she's staring at the half moon. I see her twitch at my voice but nothing else. I look down on her, I'm easily a foot taller. She's dressed in a tarot card corset and a black skirt.
"It's not wise to be in my neck of the woods even this far away from the full moon. This is still my territory and unless you want to die or mate. I suggest you run along little witch. This is my only warning" I run my fingers through her hair as I speak, hoping to scare her off. She just stands still and breathes deeply before she finally speaks.
"I can feel a pull towards you wolf. I know you wont kill me. You feel something towards me too or I'd have died the second time I crossed into your territory. Stand still and look at the moon with me. Can you feel that silent pull between us? It's the only reason I'd dare venture so close. Tell me, can you feel it?" Her voice doesn't shake as she speaks so maybe she's telling me the truth. I've felt something stirring in me since I first caught her scent among the cedar trees. I thought it was because I've not had anyone venture to my woods in so long. Maybe she was right. If she's wrong I could always kill her later. So I wrap my hand around her neck and look up to the half moon. I slow my breathing and concentrate on my surroundings. I feel her heart beating against my hand. A steady beat? She's not even scared. Intriguing. I focus more on myself and I can almost feel something, like a thread, connecting me to her. Mates are almost as rare as werewolves and witches these days, but for a witch to be my mate? Almost impossible. And yet I feel the connection getting stronger the longer my hand is wrapped around her neck. She's looking deep into the woods when she finally breaks the silence
"We are special, wolf. We may very well be the last mates among our kind. No one in the covens I've traveled to has had a beloved or mate as you call them in a hundred years or more. So imagine my surprise when I was leaving the last coven and I heard the call. For us witches we hear our beloved calling out our names till we find them. Hence why I was in your woods so often. I thought it was a warlock who didn't have a coven. Then I saw you." She pauses and sighs. She runs her hand up to caress mine, still around her neck. "But no. I am destined to have the most special of beloveds. A real werewolf. Haha aren't I a lucky girl" she giggles. I think about her words for a moment.
"If you are my mate then I need to be sure." I lower my head to behind her ear. I start to smell her. She smells of cedar trees and honeysuckle flowers. Instantly my mind turns blank and I hear the word. "Mate. Mine". I run my tongue along her shoulder to taste her to be sure. She tastes like mine. I don't know how but the way she tastes makes my wolf howl that she's mine. I feel myself get rock hard once I realize she's truly my mate.
"So little witch. We're mates. Does that horrify you? Cause if you're going to use your magic to sever this bond then make it quick before the wolf gets too attached." I release her neck and step back. I wait for the burn of the severed bond between us. Such a beautiful witch should have a proper mate. Not the monster I am. Such a shame, I'd have loved to have such a strong mate. I wait but the pain doesn't come. I open my eyes to look at her and she looks pissed. Such a fiery mate.
"I thought wolves were supposed to be smart. Why would I throw away something so special? So rare?" She places her hand on her hip as she stares at me. "Do you really think so little of me?" I growl at her words.
"A mate as special as you deserves someone of her own kind. Not the monster I am" I turn to walk away from her to make it easy for her. I feel a rock hit the back of my head. I turn and snarl at her.
"Try that again little witch and you won't like what I do to you." I sneer as she stares back at me.
"Listen here you dumbass wolf. I'm not breaking our bond. I have no coven. I have no one else. I've been hunting for my beloved for too long to have his dumb ass walk away from me. You, you dumb wolf, won't get rid of me so easy. You may be part animal but didn't you know witches love animals? You're my beloved and you're not walking away from me that easily!" Her temper flaring makes me harder than I've ever been. I bare my teeth as I say
"That was your chance to walk away from me, mate. Now there is no turning back. I hope you've chosen wisely. Because werewolves mate for life." I wrap my hand around her neck again and I feel her pulse has quickened. "Are you afraid of me, little witch?" I chuckle as the wind blows her scent around me. Only now I can smell something new mixed in her scent. Arousal. "I can smell your arousal witch. Do you like my hands around that pretty little neck? Hmmm? Is my little witch submitting to her mate already?" I feel her breath quicken at my words. Her eyes turn a shade darker.
"Yes beloved. My big bad wolf is the only one I'll submit to. I am yours and you are mine." I see a faint glow to her eyes when she says those last words and I know she's accepting and cementing my bond to her.
"I am yours and you are mine." The words flow from my mouth and I feel the bond snap into place fully. Not just a single thread connecting us but now it feels as if she's stitched herself to my skin and carved her claim to me on my bones. I pull her so close to me, I have bend down to look in her eyes.
"Shall we complete the bond now? Or shall we wait?" I feel her lips crash into mine and I know the answer. I release her neck and hold her close as we kiss. It feels like a fire of passion and lust consuming us the longer we kiss. Her hands are in my hair pulling me ever closer as I grab her thigh and wrap it around my hip. She moans into my mouth as I start rubbing my hard cock against her. I reach to caress her ass and I feel nothing but bare skin. "Oh you naughty little mate. You came to me with no panties? Such a bad girl." I release my hold on her for a moment so I can tear my pants off. I need to feel her around me. I hear her moan at the sound of fabric ripping. I pull her close again as I reach for her corset strings. "I'll replace the string but it'd be a shame to ruin such a pretty corset. We'll keep this one safe for now." I use my claws to cut the strings and release her breasts to the night air. Her nipples get hard and she sucks in a breath. I rip her skirt off her delectable body. "There she is. My perfect mate. Wet and needy for me." She pulls me closer to her as she starts to kiss me again. I start to kiss her neck and I drift my hand down to her pussy. Slowly stroking her clit I feel how wet she really is. As I kiss where her neck meets her shoulder I feel her bite me in the same spot. I grab her hips and slam my cock into her as I feel her teeth on my skin. "Little witch it's going to be a lot faster if you bite me without warning love." I feel her kiss the bite. And I almost cum right then.
"Just marking my claim to my beloved. You feel so good in my mouth and stretching my pussy at the same time" I bite down as I start to thrust into her. She's so tight around me and hot. She feels perfect around my cock. Her dirty words in my ears and her pussy massaging my cock, it takes everything I have in me not to fill her and soak her in my scent. She's whimpering as she says
"Fuck. Come on my wolf. Fuck me hard. Make me cum so I can have my scent on you and the world will know you're mine!" I moan at her words. I bite down on her shoulder and grab her hips and I start to fuck her hard and fast. She's getting so tight around me as I fuck her. I feel her so close to her own orgasm I bite down harder and break the skin hoping to leave my scar to show her as my mate. As soon as my teeth break the skin I feel her explode around me. I moan against her and I finally let go enough to chase my own orgasm. Pounding into her at a punishing pace I finally feel the fire at the base of my spine as I start to pour into her. "Fuck. That's right my little witchy mate. Take my cum. Let me fill you with my scent. You're fucking mine." I lay with her on the forest floor still inside her as she lays on my chest. "My perfect little witch mate." I chuckle. "Now the fun will really begin" she chuckles against me.

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