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Quackity POV

He isn't too sure about his new accomplice. The new student has been sitting by him on the bus, at lunch and following him to the library all week. Part of him feels like he has a stalker, the other part is annoyed.

But he also knows this guy is starting to grow on him.

Wilbur sits by him at the bus like usual in the morning.

"Man" he says pulling out his book, "this book is good, it goes good with what I like, just like you do." He winks.

Quackity stares, he feels his face heat up. He looks away clearing his throat.

"Ok enough of that" he replies.

Wilbur grins and moves closer, "you like to read romance I noticed..."

"Yes but I can't sustain a partner so I don't date" Quackity glares at him, "got it?"

Wilbur leans away thinking for a moment, "that's kinda sad..." He comments.

Quackity doesn't reply and instead looks out the window.

"Should I stop sitting by you? Since you want to be alone?" the taller male asks softly.

"No..." Quackity admits, "it's fine."

Wilbur falls silent and the two don't talk for the rest of the bus ride. Quackity curses to himself for not flirting back or something. He knows the new student has had eyes for him since day one, by the first simple question asking if he was single.

Wilbur slides next to him to eat lunch. Quackity notices he has a guitar case with him today.

"You play?" he asks.

"Yeah" Wilbur replies, "do you?"

"A little, don't own a guitar though" Quackity replies not wanting to admit he doesn't have the money to buy one right now.

"That's cool" the other student replies, "I write songs, well, yeah basically."

"Oh, maybe you could... play them for me sometime?" Quackity squints a little as he tries to word it.

"Oh, yeah, I could" Wilbur looks happy so Quackity knows he's said the right thing.

"You gonna do the spirit week?" Wilbur asks leaning closer.

"The spirit week? Uh no" Quackity rolls his eyes a little, "why would I do that it's childish."

"Wow... childish... well we are minors" Wilbur points out, "so technically we are children, so therefore-"

"Shhhhh" Quackity puts a finger to his lips turning away from Wilbur and going back to eating his lunch.

Wilbur nudges him a little,

"Quackity... you got a girlfriend?" he pauses, "I mean boyfriend, forgot you're gay."

"No, Wilbur I told you that the first time we met, nothings changed" Quackity sighs.

"Oh, yeah, right" Wilbur looks around the hallway, "like anyone?"

"Ok I get it you like me mkay" Quackity turns to face him, "now shut up a moment."

"I used to have a girlfriend" Wilbur keeps talking, "I mean- multiple girlfriends, because all the girls like me, and the guys, everyone likes me."

Quackity puts his head down on the table.

"You like me too I bet" Wilbur teases, he taps Quackity's waist a little when he doesn't respond.

"Quackity, wake up" he hisses tapping him more.

"God you're so annoying! Can you just stop and be quiet a second!" Quackity's head goes up and he slams his hands down on the table.

Wilbur stares at him.

"Oh my bad" he blinks.

Quackity gets up to go to the library and get some peace from this crazy guy. But of course the other student follows him anyways.

"Quackity you're a freshman right" he says.

"No, sophomore" Quackity replies barely glancing at him.

"Hey me too, we're the same age" Wilbur walks into the library after him.

"This new school is pretty good and I haven't seen anyone vaping or anything yet!"

Quackity rolls his eyes as he sits down in his usual spot by the window pulling out his book.

"Oh people do vape here, I've had one offered to me."

"Did you take it?" Wilbur asks curiosly.

"No" Quackity replies.

Wilbur's eyes then look away from Quackity for a moment staring across the library at some girl.

"Wow..." He whispers.

"What?" Quackity looks over to the girl he is staring at, "come on seriously? You could get a way better one then that" he says rolling his eyes but he feels a surge of sudden jealousy. The feeling confuses him, why is he jealous it's just some girl.

"Hang on a moment" Wilbur says almost dreamily, he sets his stuff down and walks over to the girl. Quackity gapes at him.

What is this idiot doing!

Wilbur starts to talk to her and she turns to him smiling. Quackity watches the exchange wondering how Wilbur manages to talk to everyone.

He sighs and turns back to his book annoyed.

First Encounter, A School TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now