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Quackity POV

Wilbur is the weirdest person ever, why would anyone randomly ask to make out at such a time.

Quackity is especially uneasy because he had been in the middle of a daydream the whole time in the line. Not his fault Wilbur was holding his hand.

The taller male is still staring at him as the bus drives down the road. There's yelling and laughing from all the other people in the bus and Quackity wants to drown it all out.

He covers his ears slowly leaning back on the seat. Wilbur notices and reaches a hand out.

"You ok?" he asks.

"Annoyed" Quackity replies batting his hand away.

"Ah, good time to make out" Wilbur winks.

"No" Quackity glowers at him.

Wilbur's hands on his waist, pressed together, breathing fast in the night as they kiss over and over.

"I do not want to" He says more firmly turning away from Wilbur.

Pinned under the taller male on the bed... legs up around him, rocking back and forth softly. Wilbur looking down at him so flirtatiously.

"You sure?" Wilbur asks tapping him, "hello? Spacing out."

Laying at Wilbur's side, the taller male's arms around him, basking in the warmth.

He shakes it all away, the bus window coming back into focus.

"Huh?" he looks twords Wilbur.

"Stop daydreaming about getting f-cked or whatever" Wilbur grins twirling his necklace slowly. Quackity hadn't noticed he had a necklace before.

"I'm not thinking about getting f-cked" he glares.

Oh shit he knows.

"Yeah you are, your back arched" Wilbur says.

"What..." Quackity stares at him, "that doesn't mean..."

"You had an uncomfortable expression on your face and you shifted your legs to be more open" Wilbur continues, "You leaned your head back on the seat."

"Ok enough" the shorter male snaps finally, he turns away annoyed and also a little scared how observant Wilbur is, he didn't even know he did all that stuff.

He crosses his arms ignoring the taller male.

In his mind there's a panging longing for someone close to him. He always realizes how alone he is normally whenever he hangs out with Wilbur.

He finds himself wondering if the taller male actually would kiss him if he had the chance... or if he's just kidding.

Wilbur POV

"Quackity" he whispers as the shorter male stays turned away from him.

"I'm sorry for annoying you" he taps his shoulder, "Quackity you wanna make out now?" he tries to tease.

The shorter me turns to look at him for a long moment, "whatever" he sighs grabbing Wilbur's shirt and moving closer.

"Wait huh?" he finds himself asking as shock and excitement courses through him.

"I mean we are f-cked anyways so what could make it worse" Quackity mutters, Wilbur searches his eyes for a spark of desire, anything of that sort.

First Encounter, A School TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now