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Wilbur POV

"Yeah, I'm Wilbur" he introduces himself to the girl, "I'm new here."

She smiles at him, she is rather pretty and seems nice.

"Do you like it at our school?" she asks.

Wilbur nods, "Oh yeah I think it's really cool here, I've already made friends with that guy over there" he gestures over to where Quackity is sitting reading.

She looks over there and wrinkles her nose,

"Yeah you might want to get a friend that actually enjoys being around people."

"You know Quackity?" Wilbur asks, "he's a little grumpy but he seems nice on the inside."

"He has rejected everyone whenever anyone has tried to be his friend or more then friends, he sits out in group projects and doesn't talk to his seat partners" the girl says, "he's been weird like that since middle school" she shrugs.

"Well he's my friend" Wilbur says, "and he hasn't got rid of me yet so... I think it's going pretty good!"

She smiles at him, "you sure are talkative."

"Oh sorry it's the library I forgot" Wilbur lowers his voice, "but yeah I am, have to get to know as many people as possible yknow."

She nods and adjusts her glasses a little. Wilbur stares at her for a moment longer getting a little lost in thought.

"I like your glasses" he says, "they look... nice on you, really nice."

She smiles at him a bit shyly,

"Thanks Wilbur, um... nice meeting you" she looks him over for a moment before walking out of the library.

Wilbur stares after her admiring her, she seems cool.

He then walks back over to Quackity mind still on that girl.

"Did you see that? I think she likes me" He pulls up a chair to sit by Quackity.

Quackity looks up slightly at him,

"Yeah" he mutters.

Wilbur is confused by his sudden change of tone but keeps his gaze on the other student as he reads, he really is cute, handsome and stuff.

Quackity looks up from his book again,

"What?" he asks slightly annoyed.

"Why do you hate people?" Wilbur asks.

"I don't hate all people, only people at this school and in my presence" Quackity replies.

"That's basically all people" Wilbur points out, "but I don't think you hate me I think you just are a little grumpy and not very good at socializing."

"Yeah, unlike you, with that girl over there a second ago" Quackity looks at him with eyes narrowed. Now he looks a lot more hot then cute.

"Well yeah, you should try talking to people sometime" Wilbur suggests.

"No thanks" Quackity says flatly looking back down at his book, Wilbur can't quite figure him out and he's not dropping any hints to what he's thinking.

"We should go write things in the bathroom stall" he whispers leaning closer, "it would be so bad."

"I'd prefer not to go in the bathroom with you, don't want to get f-cked in the bathroom stall or something" Quackity replies not even looking up from his book.

Wilbur gapes,

"Hey woah now that's a little extreme, you think I'm like that?"

"Yes." Quackity says.

Wilbur continues to stare at him mouth open in shock, he starts to think then...

"Do you want me to be like that?" he asks leaning a little closer.

Quackity slams his book closed and looks at Wilbur his cheeks flaming red.

"No." He says.

Wilbur studies him for a moment, "I feel like it would be uncomfortable on your part, probably hurt."

"Wow, no way I never thought of that" Quackity rolls his eyes sarcastically, "no way, being slammed against the bathroom stall would hurt? wow, crazy."

Wilbur keeps thinking, "I feel like the lockers would be a better place to get railed, more room in there, and the changing stalls."

"Stop talking about f-cking" Quackity says.

"You started it" Wilbur replies, "with your weird theory of what I would do to you in the bathroom."

"I was joking" Quackity's face reddens again, "I didn't think you'd actually do that I just wanted to shut you up."

Wilbur stares at him for a long moment, he runs his gaze over Quackity's body.

"I mean I would if you wanted to" he shrugs.

Quackity stares at him,

"Shut up we are in the library" he goes back to reading.

Wilbur nudges him, "lunch is gonna end in two minutes."

"Don't care" Quackity replies.

Wilbur sighs, "ok ima go to class without you then."

"Ok" Quackity mutters.

Wilbur keeps sitting there for a long moment before he grabs his bag and guitar case before making his way out of the library.

Fine. He will go write stuff in the bathroom stalls by himself then.

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