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Wilbur POV

He sits in the vice principal's office swinging his legs a little with Quackity who looks extremely pale.

"We're in so much trouble" Quackity whispers.

"Why?" Wilbur whispers back, "we just went in the wrong bathroom."

"Um yeah, two of us! That's not suspicious at all." Quackity says sarcastically glaring at him, "and the vice principal isn't very nice."

Wilbur just keeps sitting there swinging his legs and staring at Quackity.

"Let's just say we were gonna f-" he starts to say, the office door opens and he falls silent.

The vice principal surveys the two, his face is set in seriousness.

"Two males, in the girls bathroom" he says slowly.

Wilbur looks at Quackity who refuses to meet his gaze.

"I was just looking for him" Wilbur says first, "and then I realized he went in the wrong bathroom."

"It wasn't... planned?" the vice principal eyes Wilbur then Quackity judging their looks and clothing.

"It was actually, but I went in the wrong bathroom" Quackity speaks up, "we were going to meet in the boys."

"Do I have permission to search your bags, for vapes" the vice principal asks, "I will tell you if there isn't any in sight, it will make your story much more believable."

Wilbur nods,

"Yeah totally you can do that we don't have anything to hide."

The vice principal takes their backpacks out of the room. Wilbur looks at Quackity.

"We are in troubleeee" he says earning a scown from the shorter male.

Quackity sits there tapping his foot looking impatient, his gaze keeps drifting down to his shorts for some reason and Wilbur wonders why.

"If he calls my mom I'm dead" Quackity mutters finally.

"He won't, he can't convict us" Wilbur replies, he then waves to the people playing basketball outside the office that don't even see him. He sees Quackity rolling his eyes and that just makes him want to do more dumb stuff to annoy him more.

Soon the vice principal comes back with their backpacks.

"Well I'm going to assume it was an honest mistake" he says eyeing the two, "but if it happens again I won't be so friendly next time."

Quackity and Wilbur both nod hurridly, they get up to get their bags and the two walk out of the office.

Wilbur breathes out a sigh of relief.

"That was close" he says.

Quackity looks over at him a little,

"No it wasn't."

He walks to their lunch table and sits down. Wilbur sits down by him and starts to eat his lunch that was abandoned on the table when he went to look for the shorter male later.

"You gonna get lunch?" he asks.

Quackity shrugs then puts his head down on the lunch table. Wilbur pauses in eating to stare at Quackity, he feels a little concerned for him.

"You alright?" he asks.

"Yep" Quackity sighs, "all good..."

"Ok..." Wilbur doesn't believe him one bit, "Im gonna go get you lunch" he says standing up to walk over to the lunch line which has diminished.

He asks the lunch lady if he can have some lunch for his friend and she opens the stuff back up for him so he can grab Quackity things. But on his way back he runs right into the girl from the library.

"Whoops sorry" he backs up a bit to let her through.

She smiles at him, "Wilbur right? Nice to see you again."

"Oh yeah" Wilbur finds himself staring at her, she's staring at him too.

"Are you ever gonna be in the library after school? I'll be there" she says.

Wilbur gets her hint and nods,

"Maybe, maybe soon..."

She steps past him, "Alright see you later maybe Wilbur..."

He stares after her then remembers Quackity and forgets her immediately. He starts to bring the tray back over to their table in the hall.

Quackity POV

He sits there waiting for Wilbur to come back, he sees him get food in the lunch line, he's unsure why the other student would even get him food anyways.
Then he sees Wilbur walk into a girl, he stops to talk to her.

Quackity sits straight up eyes trained on them. He feels the familiar pang of jealousy and he ignores it looking away.

He doesn't get it, if Wilbur is so annoying and he wants to be by himself again so badly then why does he get jealous whenever Wilbur talks to anyone else...?

First Encounter, A School TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now