66 1 19

Tw: intimate stuff

Quackity POV

The two sit in the tent, towels wrapped around both of their waists to help dry their swim shorts.

Quackity is trying to ignore Wilbur because it's already quite awkward and they have been sitting here shirtless for a while.

"So... did you like swimming with me?" Wilbur asks with a smile.

"I guess so, it was alright" Quackity keeps his voice flat.

Wilbur snickers, "I know you had fun."

"Yeah yeah whatever" Quackity rolls his eyes slightly, he moves to shove Wilbur slightly but the taller male grabs his arm pulling him closer.

"Heyyy" Quackity complains then stops as Wilbur's intent becomes clear. The other student is leaning in closer to him.

"So we made out on the bus ride here and we are just gonna ignore that?" Wilbur asks in a whisper, his mouth close to Quackity's ear.

"Yes... we are" Quackity replies.

Wilbur keeps hovering near his face.

"And we aren't gonna do it again" Quackity adds.

Damn hah I kinda do want to do it again right now...

He is very aware they are still both shirtless, he tries not to linger on the thought so long looking Wilbur in the eyes instead of other places.

"Well... you allowed me to be your sorta friend, and yknow I have been trying to get with you from day one" Wilbur winks.

Quackity continues to stare, he feels his cheeks flush slightly. He had gone back and forth wondering if he was just being joked with or if the other student was just after a hook up.

"Ok well, that doesn't mean I..."

"Like me back?" Wilbur asks, "because I think just the fact alone that I'm still here with you... and that you enjoyed making out, says enough."

"Well..." Quackity doesn't want to admit it so boldly here half naked in the tent.

"You haven't pushed me away yet" Wilbur points out.

"Try anything and I most certainly will" Quackity narrows his eyes.

The other male doesn't move away, his eyes sparkle as he keeps very close.
Quackity folds immediately as their lips meet, getting locked into the embrace fast. One moment he's next to Wilbur and the next he's in his lap, the other male's arms around him holding him there.

The more it goes on, the more he wants.

He breaks off from the kissing staring at Wilbur for a long moment almost panting.

"No, stop all this..." He murmurs, "it's too much."

"Too much?" Wilbur asks then dips his head, "well alright, if you say so."

"Yeah, no more... this" Quackity gestures to the position they are in.

"You were the one who climbed in my lap darling" Wilbur says with a teasing smirk.

Ah sh-t.

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

Wilbur continues to smirk, squeezing Quackity's waist ever so slightly.

The shorter male sighs, "alright fine..."

He leans back in again giving up on trying to stop himself.

First Encounter, A School TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now