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He's sitting in class his mind wandering, daydreaming.

Someone is pressing gentle kisses along his neck, they are laying next to him their arm wrapped around him hand resting on his back. Quackity's head tilts up giving more access to his neck as the kisses continue.


The other persons other hand slowly tilts his chin down to kiss his lips instead. Quackity's mind can't form what he wants the other guy's face to look like. They kiss and Quackity's eyes flutter closed. When he opens them again it's Wilbur's face staring back at his.

He jolts up in shock blinking sleepily in class, he always sits in the back of the class so he has lots of time to sleep in class and think. He'd almost fallen asleep this time and he is rather confused.

Suddenly he becomes aware everyone is packing up and the lunch bell rings. Quackity hurries to gather his stuff shoving his notebook into his bag before heading to the lunch area. He has a plan to avoid Wilbur today.

He leaves his bag by the usual table then runs to the bathrooms, he locks one of the stalls then stays crouched on the toilet seat. He starts to count.

Five minutes and Wilbur should realize he's not there and head to the library to check, then he will get lost in there and Quackity can go get lunch and eat by himself in a different area.

It's the perfect plan, now all he has to do is wait...

Wilbur POV

Wilbur gets in the lunch line grabbing a tray and some food, he walks over to the usual spot him and Quackity sit before realizing the shorter male's bag is there but he isn't.

He slowly looks around confused before setting his lunch down,

Maybe he went to the library?

He starts to walk down the hall to the library. He doesn't see Quackity in his usual spot, he's even more confused now. Quackity's stuff was at the normal lunch table...

Maybe he went to the bathroom to check up on the awesomeness of Wilbur's drawings in the stall.

He heads twords the bathroom.

Quackity POV

He has gotten quite distracted in the stall, he didn't realize how many minutes had passed.

He had been thinking of the daydream he was having earlier and decided to continue it in his mind... His hand had started to drift twords his shorts and then into them.

Now there's no going back and he's lost in his little moment.

He makes a quiet sound to himself as his hand continues to travel... He's breathing quickly now.

All the sudden there's walking feet coming into the bathroom, Quackity quick pulls his hand out of his shorts panicking.

"Quackity? You in here?" Wilbur's voice asks.

Quackity fumbles and his head bangs against the wall of the stall.

"Quackity?" Wilbur asks.

"Yeah I'm in here!" he calls, "go away!"

Wilbur's feet keep walking until he is right outside the stall door.

"You left your stuff" he says.

Quackity stands up quickly adjusting himself.

"I said go away, I'll be out in a second."

"No I think we should probably leave now" Wilbur says, he taps on the stall door, "come on Quackity."

Quackity is unlocking the door when suddenly there's more walking feet into the bathroom. Wilbur opens the door steps into the stall with Quackity and closes it locking it.

"What are you doing!" Quackity hisses as Wilbur puts his feet up on the seat back against the wall, Quackity does the same unsure what the issue is.

Then he hears the voices talking, female voices...

"You're in the girls bathroom!" Wilbur hisses, "I checked the boys first."

"Oh shi..." Quackity stares at him, "my bad I didn't read the sign!"

"We're so dead" Wilbur whispers, "so dead, we won't be able to leave they are probably doing makeup!"

Quackity starts to think, he looks around for a possible way out of this situation.

"Get off the toilet seat" he hisses, "I have a plan."

"They will see our shoes" Wilbur hisses back.

Suddenly the voices stop,

"Hello?" one girl calls, "anyone else in here?"

Quackity and Wilbur stay silent until the girls continue talking, then Quackity turns around leaning into the stall wall.

"What are you doing?" Wilbur asks in a whisper staring at Quackity's back.

Quackity peeks from the crack in between the stall at the girls who luckily aren't doing makeup, just standing and talking. Wilbur just keeps staring at his back.

"They aren't doing makeup" he whispers to Wilbur, "we are all good, they should leave soon."

Wilbur leans over to see too. Quackity shoves him away a little as he gets too close for comfort. The girls are still talking as they all walk out of the bathroom. Quackity breathes out a sigh of relief.

Wilbur opens the stall and the two start to sneak out of the bathroom. But as they are stepping out they crash right into someone.

Both of them look up.

The vice principal is staring at them and he doesn't look happy.

First Encounter, A School TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now