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Quackity POV

He wishes he'd never told Wilbur he hated him, else he would still have a friend. The flowers the taller male had given him have wilted by now, they lay limp in the cup of water in Quackity's room. He lays on his bed tired and wanting to cry about something, but he doesn't know what.

He craves something, anything.

Suddenly something pops up on his laptop screen, an email sent. He sighs walking over about to click it away, but then he notices the name on it.


He opens it instead, sitting down and scanning over it.

Quackity, I am really sorry for leaving you alone, it was dumb of me I just thought you needed space. I don't like my new friends, they don't seem to care about me very much, they also think I'm weird because I always daydream. I'm daydreaming about you. Quackity I could give you everything you ever wanted, I just want to hang out with you again. Do you want to share a tent still on the trip? I still want to.

Anyways that's all,

Love, Wilbur

Quackity bites his lip harder and harder as he reads over it, especially the last part. Wilbur still cares about him and wants to hang out... Wilbur probably also likes him still too then.

He slowly starts to type back,

Wilbur I still want to share a tent, if you do really want to. And I am sorry I was so rude to you, I cared more then I let on.

- Quackity

He turns away from his computer with a sigh. Perhaps he's the one making the mistake here, what he's trying to do to preserve the life he has and not let people hurt him isn't what he needs.

He lays back on his bed again with a sigh, he can't help but think to himself about how he practically started stroking himself thinking about stupid sex. Wilbur can't know that of course.

Wilbur POV

The email reply isn't very long but yet again it's Quackity he emailed, he can't expect a response like that. He smiles as he reads it.

So he did care...

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

He should take a shower.



He starts to take his shirt off for bed pausing to stare at himself, not too bad looking. He tries not to be too arrogant about himself as he gets off his pants too, that's where the real deal is. Not that it'll ever be going near anyone...

Why am I always acting horny? He looks away from his mirror.

He slips into his shorts then gets into bed pulling the covers up around him. His eyes flutter closed and he yawns before promptly falling asleep.

Quackity POV

The shorter male sits down in his usual spot on the bus, he'd forgotten his beanie. Ah shit.

He tries desperately to fix his hair, before seeing Wilbur getting on the bus. He waits for the taller male to notice him wondering if they are gonna sit together today or not.

Wilbur's eyes finally flicker his way and he grins almost dreamily. He then walks over.

"Can I sit here?" he asks.

Quackity nods slightly trying not to act too overexcited as Wilbur sits down by him putting his backpack on the floor next to his.

"Hey I missed you" he turns to face Quackity.

He leans in ever so slightly as if he's gonna kiss the shorter male but he leans away again. Quackity bites his lip slightly feeling his face heat.

Why is he feeling this way now of all times?

He's reminded of his daydream in which Wilbur was there with him...

He takes a deep breath in, Wilbur is eyeing him looking a bit confused.

"Your beanie" he says finally, "it's gone, and you're not bald."

"Wow... that's crazy" Quackity snaps back to reality fast to roll his eyes.

Wilbur laughs a little, "thanks for being willing to hang out again" he  says sincerely, his hand rests on Quackity's thigh and the shorter male can't help but glance down as a shiver runs through him.

"Yeah..." He replies finally, "of course..."


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