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Quackity POV

He walks into the bathrooms, best for him to change into his shorts before gym class because no way he's doing that in the lockers with a million people in there. Unfortunately today he had forgotten to just wear them under his pants so he has to change in the bathrooms.

He looks around making sure the coast is clear and the bathroom is empty before slipping into a stall with his bag, he hurridly changes into his shorts then stands there in the stall a moment. Suddenly there's a creak from the stall next to him. He jumps a bit in fear.

"Hey! Quackity! I thought you weren't gonna come write stuff with me!" Wilbur's head pops up over the stall wall.

Quackity screams a little before covering his mouth.

"Um, no I actually am not in here for that, why are you in here!" ge hisses back.

"Writing stuff on the stall walls" Wilbur says, he is evidently standing on top of the toilet seat to make himself tower over the wall.

"Since lunch!?" Quackity asks.

"No, just now, and a few minutes after lunch" Wilbur replies, "why are your pants on the floor, hey why are you wearing shorts now?"

"Be quiet! And I came in here to change into my shorts" Quackity replies stuffing his pants in his leg quickly.

"Now I'm gonna go, I'll be late for gym." He unlocks his stall door and walks out into the main part of the bathroom.

"Hey wait actually" Wilbur says, "wanna see my cool stuff?" the lock to his stall unclicks and the stall door opens.

Quackity hesitates before stepping inside, Wilbur has litterly written and drawn all over one side of the stall, it's like literal art not just the dumb things people usually scribble.

"Wow... impressive" he murmurs.

"I know right?" Wilbur steps up to him and Quackity backs away banging into the stall wall.

"What?" Wilbur asks.

"Um nothing, good luck with that, looks pretty cool" Quackity shrugs.

Wilbur's eyes go down to his shorts.

"Wow nice shorts" he comments, "and nice shoes, and nice legs, and nice thighs."

Quackity stares at him then stares down at himself.

"Um thanks?" he says in a bit of confusion unsure if those were genuine compliments or if the other student was making a joke.

Wilbur hands him the pen,

"Write something" he gestures to the wall.

Quackity stares at it then slowly leans over and writes his name in a signature style so no one can read it.

Wilbur grins happily as the shorter male hands him back the pen.

"Thanks Quackity, see you after school" he waves as Quackity steps out of the stall staggering a little, his legs feel surprisingly weak for some reason. He grabs his stuff and makes his way out of the bathroom and to gym class, Wilbur is really weird.


Quackity walks out to the busses carefully looking around before making his way across the school grounds... he doesn't want to run into...

He isn't looking out front of himself and runs right into someone.

"Oh hey Quackity!" the other student says turning around.

Quackity curses internally, of course he ran into the one guy he's trying to avoid. He can't seem to get a moment where Wilbur isn't also there.

Wilbur walks by him to the bus all the while staring at Quackity's shorts.

"Why is there shorts under your shorts?" he asks as Quackity sits down in his usual spot.

He sits down by Quackity still staring at his shorts.

"Um, double layer" Quackity shrugs.

Wilbur reaches over and pulls the short leg up a little staring at the other shorts built in underneath.

"Huh..." He says curiously, "I've never seen such a thing."

He smoothes the shorts back down his hand resting on Quackity's thigh a moment longer.

"I saw people making out in the hallway" he leans closer and whispers.

Quackity laughs a little,

"That's a pretty normal thing" he says.

"I know" Wilbur replies, his gaze keeps lingering on Quackity.

"You think that other girl liked me?" he asks finally.

Quackity feels a surge of jealousy run through him again.

"Um, yeah probably, I mean everyone likes you but me so maybe you should be friends with someone else."

Wilbur's gaze is burning into him.

"Well I like you" he says, "even if you are a little grumpy."

Quackity looks away out the window to avoid his gaze.

Wilbur is leaning close to him,

"Are you a bottom Quackity?" he whispers.

Quackity doesnt turn to look at him,

"Um... depends."

Wilbur stays silent for a long moment as the bus rumbles along the road, the music and loud talking of the others on the bus rather annoying.

"I think you are" he says finally, "that's good."

"Why...?" Quackity asks his mind already triggered and thinking of what Wilbur is probably thinking.

"Eh I dunno" Wilbur says.

The two go silent and Quackity refuses to look at him the rest of the bus ride. Wilbur then gets off the bus at his stop and Quackity is finally alone.

Finally some peace...

First Encounter, A School TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now