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Quackity walks out of school to get on the bus that day in panic, Wilbur had almost kissed him, he could have sworn that was the intention.

The rest of the day had been hard for him because he had been constantly thinking about it.

He also feels bad for saying stupid stuff and probably hurting Wilbur's feelings again. He said what he said to make his quick escape from the situation.

He sits down in his usual seat on the bus, of course right on timing Wilbur gets on the bus and finds him.

"Hey" Quackity says softly.

"You alright?" Wilbur asks as he sits down by him, not what Quackity was expecting him to ask.

"Um... yeah, you?" he glances over at the taller male.

"Oh yeah I'm ok" Wilbur smiles, "did I freak you out back there? Do you not like... closeness? Physical touch?"

No I actually want physical touch so badly...

Quackity really wants to tell him that but he keeps his mouth shut.

"I don't mind it" he says instead, "I just have some uhm, other stuff going on."

Don't look down don't look down.

His eyes flicker down to his crotch for a second.

Oh shit.

Wilbur glances down too a bit curiously, the shorter male quickly puts his hands there.

"What are you looking at" he snaps his face heating.

"You looked down so I looked too" Wilbur shrugs, "I mean nothing to be so freaked out about it's not noticeable."

"Wow thanks" Quackity glowers at him, not removing his hands.

"It happens yknow, to me a lot" Wilbur hums a bit, he's smirking slightly.

"Wow I wonder why, maybe because that's all you think about" Quackity replies.

"Sex? Nah" the taller male acts dismissive.

Quackity doesn't believe him but doesn't say anything. It stays silent the rest of the ride home.

"You ready for the field trip in 3 weeks?" Wilbur asks finally.

"Oh" Quackity says, he has been trying to ignore the topic.

Wilbur nudges him slightly.

"Yeah I guess I'm ready" Quackity replies finally giving him a slight shove back.

Wilbur shoves him back a little more, Quackity raises his eyebrows in a challenge. He nudges him back again.

The nudging continues as the bus makes it's way along.

Quackity puts his hands out this time to actually shove Wilbur, but the taller male grabs his wrists.

"Mwahhahaa" he grins as he holds Quackity there.

The shorter male starts to smile without even wanting to.

"Let me go" he says lightly trying to tug his arms away.

"No" Wilbur replies.

"You're gonna have to get off the bus soon" Quackity reminds him.

"I'll take you with me" he grins keeping his hands holding Quackity's wrists. He slowly starts to pull him in closer by his wrists.

"Nooo" Quackity complains as he's pulled in closer, then suddenly he stiffens and glances around the bus. A few people are staring at them both.

Oh shi...

First Encounter, A School TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now