Season 2 Chapter 8: March of Destruction

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The scene opens up to where Nirvana is as Erza runs over to Jellal who was brought back to life by Wendy's sky magic as she grabs him by the coat and sees the same self-destruct magic circle that was Nirvana on his chest.

Cobra : ( He's gonna take the self-destruct disarm code with him to the grave?! )

Erza : I won't allow it! I won't allow you to die like this! You have sins you've committed! Remember! Don't think you can rest in peace, ignorant of everything! *crying* Live and struggle! Jellal!

Jellal : Erza... Why... are you crying?

Erza was caught off guard by this as she looked at her right hand and saw that there were tears all over her hand.

Jellal : *smiles* You really are kind...

Jellal then falls unconscious as Erza starts to shout his name so that he could wake back up again, when suddenly, everyone hears something hit the ground and as a familiar voice speaks up.

Brain : Just what do we have here?

Cobra : Brain!

Erza wipes the tears from her eyes and turns around to Brain as the leader of the Oracion Seis looks up at Nirvana and sees the magic circle.

Brain : A self-destruction magic circle...

Cobra : Damn Jellal set it! This is bad! After all that trouble, Nirvana's about to be obliterated!

Brain hears this and just confidently smirks as he starts to calmly walk over to Nirvana.

Brain : Worry not, Cobra. You know why I go by the code name "Brain", do you not? I once worked at the Bureau of Magic Development. During that time, my knowledge produced hundreds of different spells. Including self-destruction magic circles. *to Jellal* I taught you how to use them. Or have you forgotten, Jellal?

Brain then looks down at Erza and Jellal as he immediately sees that Jellal had placed a self-destruction circle on himself as well.

Brain : A self-destruction magic circle on his own body?! He intends to die and take the disarm code with him?

Cobra : Apparently the Ethernano messed with his memory. Seems he has no idea he was actually a bad guy.

Brain : *laughs* My word! How comical!

Erza glares at Brain who continues to walk towards Nirvana without any worry as he had a calm expression on his face.

Brain : I've no need for a disarm code. I have the ability to nullify the magic circle itself.

Brain who was finally in front of the magic circle then raises his arm in the air before he uses his ability to nullify the circle. Soon after, the purple magic circle then starts to turn light green before it totally shatters into pieces as Brain starts to laugh.

Brain : It's such a shame, Jellal! Nirvana is now mine!

Erza : I don't think so!

Erza stands up from the ground and summons a sword into her hand as she charges straight towards Brain.

Brain : Wake, Nirvana.

Suddenly, the ground beneath Erza's feet starts to rise up into the air as Nirvana starts to wake up.

Brain : Reveal thyself!

Cobra : Oh! I can hear it! Our future! The sound of light crumbling!


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