Season 2 Chapter 21: Code ETD

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While Happy and Carl escape from Extalia and the Earth Land wizards were all locked up, the captains of the Magic War Divisions, Gero, and Byro, were all gathered together in a meeting with Faust.

Byro: The legends are true. We now know that all Earth Land wizards possess internal magic power.

Sugarboy: They're almost like Exceeds.

Gero: However, their magic power pales in comparison to the Exceeds'.

Coco: Does that mean that Lucy girl has magic power in her too?

Byro: Indeed.

Hughes: Then killing her would be like a total waste.

Faust: We must! The Exceeds' Queen Cahgot has issued orders to terminate her.

Coco: The queen did?

Sugarboy: *sighs* We cannot defy the Exceeds.

Hughes: It's seriously a huge waste! Man!

Gero: Unfortunately, we still lack the technological prowess to actually drain the magic power out of a human body.

Pantherlily: Then what do we do with the two Dragon Slayers?

Gero: They are human... and yet not human. If the experiments are a success, we will gain nearly everlasting magic power.

Hughes: *excited* Sweet!

Coco: It is, isn't it?!

Faust: Very well, Gero. Begin at once.

Gero: *bows* Yes, Your Majesty.

Faust: Just to be safe, begin extracting magic power from the Earth Land lacrima immediately. We can't have him destroying another one.

Gero: I understand.

Gero raises his head and looks at Faust with an aura of confidence around him.

Gero: In fact, I have ways of dealing with that brat the next time I see him.

With that said, everyone leaves the meeting room while Pantherlily stays in his chair.

Faust: What is it, Pantherlily?

Pantherlily: Your Majesty. About the recent increase in armament...

Faust looks at Pantherlily with a serious look which causes the Exceed to ask no further questions.

Pantherlily: No. Please excuse me.

Pantherlily leaves the room as the king of Edolas was planning for something huge to happen soon.


The scene changes to Kakarot's spaceship and Goku was putting his clothes back on after Mecha fixed them using the technology on the ship. He then sheathes his Nyoibo in its sheath and starts to thank Mecha for her help.

Goku: Thanks a lot for fixing my clothes. I'm pretty sure my Bulma wouldn't like it if she found out I wrecked them after wearing them for only a couple weeks.

Mecha: It's no problem. It was at my Master's request so it was my pleasure.

Goku: I've been meaning to ask, but why do you call him "Master"? Are you like that person who answers calls or something? What are they called again? The Bulma in my world always said she wanted one.

Mecha: If you mean a secretary, then it's something close to that. I'm more of an assistant/chef/caretaker for him.

Goku: Seriously?

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