12. Control

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Something kept nudging me in the side. I was trying to sleep and something was annoying me, A lot.

"Stop," I barked out, voice rough and sleepy.

All the memories of last night came flooding back, why my voice was hoarse, and I rolled over to see if the boy was still there.

I squinted through the light and a soft smile graced my lips when I saw his figure sitting on the edge of the bed. His bare back was facing me, muscles on display, as he struggled to pull on a pair of socks. I figured out that the source of whatever was nudging me was his elbow.

"That's not how you talk to someone who just fucked you to sleep," Harry finally spoke, his voice full of cockiness and confidence. It was shocking to hear, considering I was so used to his timid sounds.

My face heated up and I rolled back over to bury my face in the pillows, groaning loudly. I heard him laugh and stand up, "You're a dick, do you know that?"

He snorted, "You seemed to like my dick last night."

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see, and sat up some to face him, "Shut up, Harry. You're really pissing me off."

"You're into watersports, too?" He grinned, turning to look at me for the first time this morning.

His eyes were still that sparkling green that I loved, but he seemed better; more alive. I had memorized his facial features last night, and the way his skin felt on mine. Purely one of the best nights of my life.

Regardless, I was short-tempered and he wasn't on my good side this morning considering I just woke up, "Are you quite done yet?"

He laughed and shrugged off my snappy tone since he was used to it. Getting up, he trudged over to the other side of the bed in just a big sweater and socks, picking up the phone, and calling for what I assumed was room service.

"Two teas, black, and some fruit would be lovely," he hummed, sitting next to me.

While he ordered, I stretched out and hummed at the dull ache between my legs. I hadn't felt that in a long time, and it wasn't the most enjoyable feeling, but it did give me a sense of worth that I didn't have before. At least it was with someone I cared for. All I could hope for what that he cared for me as well, and I knew that it wasn't necessary to have feelings for someone in order to lay down with them or to do anything sensual at all, but I seriously hoped he did.

Reaching over, I gently tapped on his thigh to get his attention, "Cream." I mouthed with a soft blush. I knew that I would be needing it after such a rough night.


"You look nice," Harry complimented as I strolled out of the bathroom in a pair of sweats and a tshirt.

I glared at him and took slow steps over to the bed, as to not disturb my sore lower area, "Piss off."

He smiled and pulled me down onto his lap, making me squeal softly, "Shh shh. You're so grumpy today. Relax some, love, you're on edge."

Because I'm not in control.

"I'm fine," I snapped, pushing off of him and sitting on the bed. I reached for a piece of orange when he began to talk.

"Alright, alright. So what are we doing today?"

"I don't know, you decide," I grumbled.

"Why should I decide?" He frowned, "You always decide for us. I don't know what I'm doing in a big city like this."

"You seem to be doing just fine right now."

He went quiet and looked at me, "Are you okay, Louis?"

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