26. Space •

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This chapter is dedicated to @mikeyplz . Thank you, and everyone else, for your continuous support and feedback on this story. xx

Harry's POV

My head turned towards the sound of the kitchen door creaking open, my attention switching from the small woman in front of me to Louis.

Louis looked so good today, so strong and even more perfect than always when he was walking down the halls of this palace as if he owned it. It wasn't that far off of a situation. It would be his one day, but for now, I was content with the Prince of a man he was.

"Hi," I grinned, subconsciously moving towards him and dropping my previous conversation.

Louis snaked an sturdy arm around my waist and held me tighter despite the fact that I was slightly taller than him. His boots increased his height in that moment, and he pressed a delicate kiss to my forehead that sent my stomach off into flips.

"Enjoying yourself, my love?" He chuckles, motioning to the large kitchen around us, and I paid no attention to the fact that he announced the loving word with confidence.

I looked at the room once again and giggled shyly, "I am, yeah. Got a tour of the kitchen."

Louis' dad stepped up into my view and I shyly glanced up when the man spoke, the blue of his eyes similar to Louis', "You like to cook, Harry?"

The use of my actual name shocked me and I nodded slowly, "Yes, your majesty, I-I tend to do all the meals at home."

With a quick glance up to Louis, I saw that his eyes were watching me fondly and his lips pulled into a proud smile. His hand rubbed circles on my hip while I listened closely to whatever the King was about to say. The fact that the King was even holding a decent conversation with me chilled me to the bone.

The older man looked towards Louis for a brief second, "Louis, I'd like to speak to the-- to Harry."

Louis hummed and motioned at me with a soft smile, "Go ahead, father."

"No," the king stepped back into the doorway and raised his hand so that his palm was facing up, arm outstretched towards the hall, "I wish to speak to him, alone."

My arms erupted with chills and my stomach seemed to have a deep pit of bad feelings. However Louis seemed to have no worries, for he nudged me forwards with a warm kiss to my knuckles.

"Go ahead," he hummed, patting my bum lightly.

I stared back at him before reluctantly moving my feet out into the corridor. Every bone in my body told me to turn back, to never trust the man who had called me the slave boy just mere minutes ago, but I trusted Louis with everything I had. So his judgement must be well enough to be trusted.

The king led me down the hallway and into a large room that was filled with books from the flooring to the near ceiling. I wandered inside but was snapped out of my curious daze when I heard the door, that we had just walked through, slam shut.

I jumped at the noise but hardly had any time to form a response because Louis' father had slammed me against the door and was mere inches away from my face. My breath came out in startled pants as I stared at the man with wide, confused eyes. His icy blue eyes pierced into my own, and in that moment I swore that Louis was staring at me through him.

"You are nothing but garbage taking up space in this earth, slave," he spat, and I saw that his teeth bared slightly in rage, "You actually think Louis loves you?"

A loud, sinister laugh roared from his lips and I cowered back against the cool wood of the door, "Louis is incapable of love, you worthless animal. He killed his own brother, and left his family without batting a lash, and he'll do the same to you."

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