6. Truth

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Shortly after we arrived, I hopped down from the horse and tied it to a lone tree in the front yard. A soft grumble echoed from atop the animal and I remembered that He had come with me for 'protection' or some shit.

"Him. Come on," I whined. I know that I must've sounded absolutely childish but at this point I really didn't give a crap.

I poked at the boys leg and jumped nervously when he jerked upright with a soft gasp. He must've fallen asleep on the way here.

Regardless, I picked him up off the horse and set him onto his two feet while holding onto his hips just in case he fell, "How the hell did you fall asleep on that thing?" I asked, looking up at him.

I wasn't use to tilting my chin up that far. It wasn't like I had planned for him to grow to be this tall. When I picked him out, he was just a small little thing. Now look at him. All sleepy and dazed.

God he was adorable.

Stop Louis. Shut up.

"I don't know," he simply shrugged and oh, did it piss me off.

"How dare you talk back to me, you-"

"What? Gonna lock me in another basement?" He shot back, taking me by surprise.

He must've noticed, because his posture straightened and his jaw clenched, "That old woman told me what you've been doing. I'm not your little... Little.. thing to play with anymore!"

"I've never once played with you," I mumbled as he continued on, beginning a small pace back and forth in front of me.

"I won't stand to be treated as a pet. I'm a person." He huffed.

I felt a certain rage bubble up inside me, but it wasn't directed towards Him. He was right. He was a person, and I have no right to deny him of that. I was mad at that beast of a female who told him that in first place! If he hadn't of found out, he wouldn't have known any better, "Don't be stupid, Harry," I seethed, pushing him back into the side of the tree, "You are mine, and you always have been. I paid a great deal of money for you and I won't stand to have you just up and walk away- Him? What are you staring at me like that for?"

His eyes were wide and doe like, with his little curls framing his face. He had a look of pure wonder and shock written all over him, but for what, I have no idea. He just gawked at me and it was starting to get weird.

Stepping back, I looked down at my shirt to make sure that everything was still where it was supposed to be. No limbs missing. Then I turned around to make sure that there was no axe murderer attempting to stab me. Nope.

"What the hell are you staring at-"

"Harry." He whispered, voice low and shy and everything that a man like him shouldn't be like, "My name. Is that my name? Harry?"

I stopped and stared. Now look who the one caught in headlights was, "Uh. Well," I started, fumbling over words as I tried to think up a decently believable story to lie about but found too much trouble in that rather than telling him outright, "Yeah. H-harry, that's your name."

He blinked a few times, cocking his head to the side, before he said it again.
"Harry," He whispered, as if testing the word out on his tongue to see if it would taste okay. And it did, "I'm harry? I'm harry!" He suddenly beamed, beautiful dimples indenting his cheeks as he smiled. I've never seen such a pretty face.

His hand reached up to brush back some curls as he repeated the name, laughing.

"Yeah, Harry. I guess I should tell you my name too," I started, smiling slightly.

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