7. Lost

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Hi guys.
So it's been a while, buts here's another update. It might not be the best, but I hope it's okay. :3
Also, thanks for 3k reads! Means a lot, and I'm so thankful. Thank you. xx

"Harry-.. Harry?" I gasped, looking out from around the side of the brick wall.

The tall, lanky boy with overgrown hair that I become accustomed to seeing bobbing around was no where's to be seen.

"Are you serious right now," I grumbled, darting back out into the bustling crowd of the city streets.

It's been a while since I've set foot on the pavement in London, and to be honest, it wasn't all that bad. It actually felt good to be around people again. Then again, nothing good ever lasts.
My legs carried me back through the path that I had made earlier while my eyes quickly scanned the area.

"You've got to be here... Come on," I grumbled, feeling my heart start to race. There was absolutely no way that I would let him go that easily.

The truck we had ridden in before started up and backed out of the parking space, creating puffs of dirty pollution in its wake and my eyes widened, starting to run down the sidewalk to catch up. If he was anywheres in this city, the stupid idiot would be in that damned truck, waiting for me to save him.

I glanced into the rear windows of the truck, seeing nothing except Dan and his weird tree scented air freshener hanging off the mirror.

Spinning around, I scanned the area and let out a loud sigh. It attracted the attention of the people around me but I couldn't care less.

"Gods sake, Harry!" I cursed, bending down and resting the sweaty palms of my hands on my knees. Running never was my thing.

"What did I do?" A deep rumble sounded behind me. His pout was evident in his voice before I saw his face.

I peered over my left shoulder while panting for breath, rolling my eyes, then letting my head dip between my shoulders with a defeated sigh, "Where the fuck have you been?"

His face was a bit flustered, from running I presume, and he seemed confused, "You told me to run as fast and far as I could, so I did. Kept running until I realized that you weren't beside me. Guess you stopped for some reason?"

"You mean to tell me, that you ran past me?"

He shrugged, his messy curls bouncing, "I guess so. Don't know why you stopped though."

"I thought you got caught! I thought they took you!" I yelled, standing up straight and pointing a finger at him, "Don't you ever do that again!"

I was expecting his lip to wobble, or for his eyes to rim with tears, but instead a subtle smirk sat on his lips, "You care about me," he grinned.

"What? No I-I don't," I stammered, taken aback.

"Yes you do! You were scared! You were worried about me!" He smiles, biting down into his bottom lip to stop a crazy smile from erupting.

I rolled my eyes and huffed, adjusting myself before looking back down the street, "Anyways. We can't go down there. They'll see us walk by the windows."

"Louis, it's London. One of the biggest cities ever. They couldn't spot us walking down the street, even if they tried 'cause it's so crowded."

I rolled my eyes; muttering curses because I knew he was right but I didn't want to let him know that.

Harry let out a gentle sigh before tapping my shoulder, "Why don't we go down there?" He asked, pointing towards a quieter street.

"That could actually work," I muttered, starting out across the street towards the little corner of the city. Anything was better than admitting I was wrong.

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