Prologue - Search and Attacked

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Bushes rustled as the 13 year old girl walked back to the Plantars house. Earlier today, Sprig and Ivy were playing with a ball but they both lost it in woods and none of them wanted to go get it, so Anne stepped up and volunteered to find it. She didn't know it was going to take a full day to find!

But right now, all Anne cared about was getting back to the others. She's certain she'll get the 'Its dangerous out there' lecture from Hop-Pop again... But he isn't wrong about it being dangerous since there ARE giant bugs like a mantis and other stuff.

As she neared the house, she suddenly stopped and looked around as something in her gut told her to run. But, Anne shrugged it off and continued slowly until...

Something lunged at her from the bushes, knocking her into a log and the ball flying out of her arms and towards the house, crashing through a window. Anne heard Hop-Pop yell, "DANG IT ANNE!"

Anne looked at the strange creature above her, it's jaws snapping as it lifted its claws and slashed her down the right side of her face. Tears formed in Anne's eyes as she kicked the creature off of her, the creature letting out a disturbingly deep but echo-ey type laugh before running off into the woods.

Anne held the side of her face, feeling the blood on her hand. She quickly looked for something to wipe away the blood, her eyes landing on a couple cobwebs, "Huh... I don't see this going wrong in any way."

She hesitantly took the cobweb, put it in a ball and rubbed it on her wound until a spider climbed out of the cobweb. Anne immediately threw the cobweb and started to run, maybe almost trampling a couple crops as she swung open the door to the house to find Hop-Pop standing there with his arms crossed, "There you are! Don't you know how danger...ous..." His gaze lands on the wound before groaning, "Dang it... Why don't you go wash that wound out before it gets infected and then head to bed."

Anne nodded and went to the bathroom to go wash out the wound...


"So... Was the mission successful?" ??? asked, looking down at the smaller creature hoping for a good answer. The smaller creature nodded, a grin forming on their face, "The mission was indeed successful. In no time, she'll be ours."

The bigger creature huffed in satisfaction, "Good... Now get rested so phase 2 of the plan may begin."

As the smaller creature turned away and began walking out of the room, the bigger creature then added, "You are certainly a good daughter..."


(This was an evil/Dragon Anne AU I made awhile back that I decided to rewrite! Welcome to The Broken Prophecy! -Lemon)

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