Chapter 7 - Misfits and Plans

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Anne followed behind the stranger as they led her to a secluded area in the woods near the mountain pass. The stranger had been awfully quiet the whole way there, refusing to answer any of Anne's questions on where they were going or what their plans were to get Anne home. The stranger finally stopped and turned to look at Anne, "We're here..." They announced, walking up to a small cave in the mountain.

"After you..." The stranger stepped aside to let Anne take the lead. Anne stepped back, a bit hesitant to go forward. She still didn't know if she could trust this person. The stranger scoffed, rolled their eyes and took the lead, "Come on, now!.."

Anne still seemed sketched out but followed after, being led to a dimly lit area but she could see outlines of people and hear talking. The stranger cleared their throat before jumping on top of a few rocks, calling out to the group below them, "My friends," They started, "About a week and a half ago, I had mentioned there would be a possible new addition to our band of misfits. And today, they are here to take part in the 3rd phase of the plan!" Murmurs of confusion and excitement broke out in the crowd below, until one stepped up, "And who exactly is our newest bit?" The one who spoke had a doubtful tone as they questioned the 'leader'.

The leader looked down and simply replied, "That would be the girl by the entrance, Frederick." Frederick stared at Anne for a good long moment before he started howling with laughter, looking back up at the leader, "Are you serious, Dream? That's a human! How is SHE going to pull this off?!" Dream narrowed her eyes, "Frederick, sit back down and shut that mouth before I ask Axel to sew it shut for good." She threatened, to which Frederick immediately sat down, still smirking.

"Anne." Anne turned her attention towards the leader who called her name, "I'd like you to follow me. I have somebody I'd like you to meet... If you haven't already..." Dream then went to another area in the cave, waiting for Anne. Anne followed behind like a lost puppy, trying to ignore some of the looks she got from the surrounding crowd, "Why are some of them so judgemental?.." Dream sighed. As they stopped in front of a door, she replied, "That's how some of them have always been. Despite them being humans once, they tend to look down on humanity with hatred."

"Wait they were humans once?-"

Dream ignored her and opened the door, revealing a blue-furred wolf sharpening some kind of blade. Dream knocked on the stone wall, and Blue looked up from the weapon, "Oh, greetings... I see you found... Her." Anne suddenly had a feeling she knew this girl from somewhere... And that's when the pieces clicked together... Her eyes, the same ones on the creature that attacked her... That made her ill...

"You..." Anne growled, balling her fists and taking a step towards the wolf. Blue remained calm and smiled, "Dear... You can try, but I'll be the one to come out on top with your corpse below me..." Anne got in her face, "You want to bet?!-" Dream came in-between them. She chuckled, "Now now... No need for this in here. Blue, are we ready to discuss our plans for our little soon-to-be killer?" Blue nodded, smirking at Anne. Anne huffed and stood up straight, crossing her arms.

Dream and Blue led Anne to a table and sat her down in one of the seats, the two of them sitting across from her.

"So I've promised to get you home, yes?" Anne nodded, "That's correct..." Dream leaned back in her chair, "And you must know, that this will come with a certain little price..." Anne nodded again, "Look, I'll give you anything. Coppers, resources, food-" Dream shook her head, "No no no... We don't need anything like that. Something else. But, will you be up for it?.."

Anne seemed confused now. If it wasn't food, or resources, or coppers... Then what was it? She had to know, "So... Then what is it you want?" Dream and Blue chuckled, looking at each other before responding...


"We want you... to Kill Marcy..."


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