Chapter 2 - Prepare and Nightmares

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"Thank you Andrias!" Marcy said happily as she got ready to head back out of the giant door before Andrias stopped her, "Listen, you don't know how long you'll be staying there in that town... So I ordered Lady Olivia to help you get ready." Marcy's smile fell, "But I need to hurry..!"

"Marcy, Marcy... You never know what's going on out there and we most certainly cannot lose our chief ranger, so you'll need to take useful items with you in case things get... Out of hand..." Andrias went silent for a moment and then continued, "...But you should probably go now as Lady Olivia will be waiting for you! Go on now, kiddo, go pack up and help your friend..."

Marcy sighed and walked out of the throne room, her eyes downcast as she met up with Lady Olivia near the hallway, "Dearest Marcy... You must understand that King Andrias is right. That place may seem safe... But there are terrible dangers everywhere in amphibia... King Andrias is just doing this to keep you prepared and safe." Lady Olivia said with a soft tone, guiding Marcy to her room so she could pack up for the journey.


Meanwhile Andrias looked up at the ceiling, knowing the Core was listening somewhere...


Marcy searched through her items, Putting a book about Amphibian Illnesses and Diseases. She also took a couple medicine jars, her phone which she is surprised doesn't have a cracked screen yet, and a dagger... She really hoped she didn't have to use that... Lady Olivia also allowed her to pack some snacks in case.

"You shall leave at dawn, Marcy."

Marcy was going to object, but she realized she may want to sleep in her comfy bed in the castle one last time before she heads over to WartWood, "Of course, Lady Olivia." As Lady Olivia was about to leave, she turned around, "And Marcy? I do hope your friend will be alright. Despite her personality... I believe she's a good friend to you, and I'm sure she knows she's in good hands with you." And with that, Lady Olivia left.

Marcy sighed and got ready for bed, just hoping by tomorrow she got there and Anne wasn't worse. Hopefully it wasn't something extremely bad... Marcy kept going through the worst possible scenarios in her head. What if Anne was dead when we arrived?! What if she was too late?! What if-...

Marcy tried to calm herself down so she could get rest. Taking deep breaths until she eventually calmed, and climbed into the bed and pulled the covers over herself and falling asleep easily... Letting sweet dreams take her away...


But... This was not a sweet dream... Marcy seemed to be in where the Plantars kept Bessie... And the sound of frogs screaming caught her attention. Hesitantly, she went and opened the door to a horrifying sight in front of her...

All of WartWood was on fire and frogs were being either killed or just chased by strange looking creatures. Anne was standing there watching it all, Marcy just assumed she was shaken up too and went to go speak to her, "Anne what's going on?! Why is everything on fire and why is everyone dying?!" Anne didn't respond though, Marcy patted her shoulder, "Hello? Anne?"

Anne growled and whipped around, knocking Marcy onto the ground and holding the clumsy girl down, "A-Anne..?" No, this wasn't Anne... Anne didn't do this and never did Anne EVER try to attack anybody, "You aren't Anne... What are you?.."

'Anne' growled again before taking her hand and lifting Marcy's head a bit, then staring down at Marcy's neck... Marcy's heart raced in panic, closing her eyes and preparing for whatever 'Anne' wanted to do... But 'Anne' suddenly stopped and closed her eyes. Marcy was confused but let out a sigh of relief.


Until 'Anne' shot forward and dug her teeth into Marcy's neck, ripping it open and eating the flesh. Marcy tried to scream, but she couldn't get anything. The clumsy girl could only cry silently as 'Anne' killed her slowly while the town burned around them...


Marcy shot up and was breathing heavily, feeling her neck and sighed once she realized it wasn't ripped open. That had been a strange dream, even a creepy one... Marcy then realized dawn was approaching so she might as well get ready. She got up from the bed and looked the mirror, "...I guess that was just a weird nightmare... There's no way that was like a vision or something... Right?.." She asked her reflection, hoping deep down that it was just a disturbing nightmare and not a sight of her death.

"Okay... I should hurry though, the Plantars are waiting."

Marcy quickly got ready, headed out of the palace to get Joe Sparrow and head to WartWood. Once she got to Joe, she climbed onto his sattle and soon they flew away from Newtopia, heading for frog valley.

"...Seriously... Please just let that have been a disturbing and non-real nightmare..."


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