Chapter 9 - Newtopia and Surprises

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Joe Sparrow flew against the wind as they passed the mountain tops, a severely wounded Marcy and a grinning Anne on his saddle. Anne had stuck to her word during the attack and was off to present a wounded Marcy to the whole of Newtopia like a display, "So... How does it feel, Marbles? How does it feel to get what you deserve? Hm?"

Marcy didn't respond, because she was obviously unconscious. Anne looked around the area below then back at Marcy, taking a knife and cutting a slice of the Taiwanese-american girl's skin off her arm. Taking the slice and popping it in her mouth, "..." Anne eventually swallowed and smiled, "Needed some salt. A little chewy but good nonetheless."

Anne licked the blood off the knife, then put it back in her backpack. Joe let out a chirp and Anne looked up to see the bird staring at her. She narrowed her eyes and let out a growl, "Try anything, and I'll flay you." Joe just chirped and continued flying to Newtopia.

Anne helped herself to more of Marcy's skin as the flight continued... The taste was addicting.

(A/N: I'm running out of ideas help.)


About 10 minutes away from Newtopia, Anne had begun preparing what to say when she arrived. Especially because the king would want an answer as to what exactly happened and why Marcy came back almost dead. She eventually settled in one lie which at least sounded believable in some way but that would be if the king was a big enough idiot to actually think it's the truth.

Anne could see the city ahead and told Joe to speed up, which he did his best to. They soon landed outside of the city walls and Anne hopped off with Marcy in her hands. The doors opened without her having to say anything and she walked into the city. After about 5 minutes, shocked gasps came from every direction. Newts were frozen in shock and fear and soon came the guards with Lady Olivia.

Lady Olivia took one look at Anne, then Marcy and almost fainted. The guards took Marcy from Anne's hands and carried the girl to the Newtopian hospital. Lady Olivia looked back at Anne expecting an answer. Anne sighed and put in some fake tears as she lied about what happened to Marcy. Well actually, it wasn't exactly far from the truth since she added in the ambush but didn't say anything about her specifically leading it.

Lady Olivia nodded and offered if she wanted to tell the king about Marcy to which Anne nodded. Lady Olivia led Anne into the castle and towards the throne room. After about 10 minutes of silence, they reached the giant doors and stepped inside. Lady Olivia stayed behind but Anne didn't have much of a peaceful approach. After telling Andrias, she threw the only question she had at him, "Alright blue boy, was what Marcy said true?!"

Andrias looked a bit offended by Anne's name she gave him but didn't know what she was referring to, "What was what Marcy said true?.." She asked, wanting to know what she meant, Anne only growled and stomped her foot at him, "You know what I mean! Were you aware Marcy sent us to Amphibia on purpose!?"

The king looked shocked and before he could give an answer, the windows were smashed as a girl and a toad came in. Sasha and Grime... Sasha looked up from where she landed and saw Anne. Anne didn't look too happy to see Sasha right now, "Great... What are you and old man toad doing here?" Anne asked, visibly annoyed. Grime narrowed his eye while Sasha seemed confused on why Anne was here, she approached the other girl but Anne backed away, "Stay out of my space, Blondie." Anne snapped.

"What the heck is your problem?!" Sasha snapped back, while Andrias interrupted them with the answer he'd been waiting to say, "Yes... It was true. She did it on purpose." Anne looked more upset then she did before, while Sasha raised an eyebrow, "She did what on purpose?" Anne looked back at her, "Marcy stranded us in Amphibia on purpose." Sasha's eyes widened, "What?.."

Before anything else could happen, a guard came in with a worried look on his face, "King Andrias! Marcy Wu is dying!" Andrias got up from his seat quickly, "What?! Andrias shouted, running past the two girls but the music box fell out of Anne's backpack and opened... (We're just going to say the stones were charged before Anne got sick, alright? But don't ask how.. I can't make up anything honestly.)

The portal formed and sucked Anne in, making Sasha jump back in fear as she watched her friend disappear. Lady Olivia watched from the doorway with a shocked expression. Soon the portal closed, leaving the three in the room quite shocked.


Meanwhile, Andrias stared at Marcy's body in the bed... She was fading fast until a voice in Andrias's head gave him an idea. With a sigh, he picked up Marcy and detached her from the Newtopian machinery that was showing Marcy's status, taking her back to the castle... There was only one way to save her... And it was...


The Core...


The fact I had to look up Marcy to confirm her being Taiwanese-american-)

(edit note: I probably should've just referred to Marcy as Taiwanese- Sorry ;-;)

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