Chapter 3 - Arrival and Anger

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Sprig watched the outside from the window, looking for any sign of Marcy. Polly is eating a couple pancakes Hop-Pop made, while Hop-Pop prepares another plate and puts it on the counter, "Sprig! Could you bring this to Anne?"

Sprig nodded, turned away from the window and went to grab the plate. Anne had been locked in the basement since yesterday because of an... Outburst after she woke up. He was hesitant to go down there again knowing it could be the same scenario but they couldn't let her starve down there. Sprig took a deep breath and opened the hatch, carefully stepping down and making sure not to drop the plate.

Anne was still asleep... Her breathing is oddly raspy and her ears have a slight almost invisible tint of blue... Sprig approached her and set the plate down, "Anne... Hop-Pop made you some pancakes." But Anne didn't get up. Instead, she started to growl again in her sleep and Sprig took it as a signal to run. He darted for the exit and slammed the hatch shut, going back to the table to join Polly and Hop-Pop.

Hop-Pop looked up from his food and asked Sprig, "So... Did she say anything." Sprig shook his head, "Not a word... Just raspy breathing and growling in her sleep again. Gosh I hope Marcy gets here soon."

And just then, right on cue, there was the sound of a bird outside. Sprig gasped and rushed outside with the rest of the Plantars trailing behind. It was Marcy! She was finally here, "Marcy!" All three cheered. Marcy waved and tried to get off Joe Sparrow but fell on her face, inhaling a bit of dirt. Marcy quickly stood up, "Hey! So I saw your message. What's up with Anne?" Hop-Pop looked away, "I think it's best you see for yourself..."

Marcy grew worried with that answer as the Plantars led her to the basement. Anne was surprisingly still asleep, not even had touched her pancakes yet, "Huh. Isn't she just sleeping?" Sprig walked up to Anne, "Watch." He said. Polly and Hop-Pop braced themselves. Sprig started tapping Anne repeatedly which made Anne growl, soon getting up and whipping around trying to get a hold of Sprig and bite him. Sprig, unfortunately, didn't expect this and got caught in Anne's grasp... Anne tried her hardest to bite his head, rage burning in her eyes as she latched onto his head and Sprig started screaming.

Marcy gasped and rushed forward, pulling Sprig away from Anne. Anne growled in response and tried to swing at Marcy's leg. Sprig ran back to Hop-Pop in fear and hid behind him, "Anna-Banana! Stop it your scaring him!" Marcy shouted, a glint of worry in her eyes as Anne flopped back down and didn't do anything. This was worse than Marcy thought...

"Okay, has that ever happened before?" Hop-Pop and the others shook their heads rapidly, "No! She didn't try to maul Sprig yesterday!.." Marcy took notes and leaned down, "Okay... Anne. Could you tell me what happened and why you just did that?" Anne avoided eye contact, acting like a stubborn child who just got told they couldn't have candy, "Anna-Banana, this is serious! I need to know what's wrong so we can find a cure!"

Marcy didn't want to admit it, but Anne was acting like the 'Anne' in her nightmare last night... Aggressive, trying to maul someone, and didn't talk. It sent a shiver down Marcy's spine and she looked away to talk to the Plantars, "Okay... Did you notice anything weird when Anne started acting like this? More specifically, when this started?"

Sprig and the others thought about it. And then realization hit Sprig, and he immediately felt guilty, "The day... The day me and Ivy lost our ball in the woods, Anne volunteered to get it for us and... She came back late at night with a wound on the right of her face and then five days later Anne acted weird... Just yesterday, Anne passed out near the house when we came back from the market!"

Marcy's eyes widened a bit and looked back at Anne who kept looking at her with her teeth bared. Marcy reached in her bag and began to pull out the book she brought about diseases and illness in Amphibia and flipping through pages while Anne took her chance and crept up behind Marcy, getting ready to lunge before Hop-Pop suddenly shouted, "MARCY! BEHIND YOU!" Anne growled and lunged at Marcy anyway, attempting to bite her now. Marcy's breathing sped up and she started to panic a bit.

But then Marcy pulled out something else from her bag and forced it into Anne's mouth, making Anne fall asleep on top of Marcy. Meanwhile Sprig and Polly watched from afar, worried about what was going on. Marcy set Anne in her bed on the floor and picked up her book and started reading it again, "Alright... I don't see anything in here but we'll just have to wait for the signs to determine what she has. But in the meantime, I'll try and get some more of what I just gave her if she gets to... Aggressive."

"But what about her going outside? Will she be alright?" Sprig asked, to which Marcy shook her head and replied, "No. In any circumstance Anne shouldn't go outside. I don't want to have the town have a bad reaction to her trying to maul someone else."

Sprig sighed and nodded, "I guess your right..." Hop-Pop put his hand on Sprigs shoulder, "I know you want to go on more adventures with Anne, but you'll just have to wait until she gets better. Now let's give her and Marcy some space."

As the Plantars left the basement, Marcy kept examining Anne... Trying to determine what was wrong with her friend until Anne started spasming in her sleep, almost like she was fighting someone or something. Marcy began to lightly pet Anne's arm to comfort her, soon Anne stopped and relaxed.

Marcy sighed, "Oh Anne... I really hope we can get you better..."


Anne growled as she faced a shadow person with glowing eyes, the person restraining her hands with purple glowing ropes. Anne struggled a bit before the person made a low shushing noise and pat her head, looking into her eyes and smirking as Anne's eyes flashed blue and purple as she relaxed slowly...

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