Chapter 1 - Illness and Signals

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Signs of illness didn't show up for at least a couple of days... Until Anne started to rest more and complained about headaches, nausea and pain in her back, hands, feet and head. Hop-Pop kept suggesting that Anne stayed at home today, but Anne insisted on coming with them.

They were going to the market.

"Alright. Is everyone ready?" Hop-Pop asked, which Polly and Sprig nodded while Anne looked like she was in a trance, her eyes red and hair a mess, "Anne?" Hop-Pop snapped his fingers in her face and she finally looked around, "Huh?! Wha- What day is it?.. Where are we going?.."

Hop-Pop had a worried look on his face and said, "Anne... I really think you should stay home. These past few days you've been acting strange and unable to do a lot around the farm or house." But Anne decided to argue, "No!.. I want to help... Just let me come with... Please?"

Hop-Pop sighed, feeling as though this was a bad idea but he knew Anne would fight about it so he agreed and told everyone to head outside.


But on the way there, Anne kept getting distracted. Like she'd never seen the town before despite living here for awhile now. Wally walked by with his accordion in hand, "Ello' there Anne! Woah, you look like you haven't slept in days! Is something the matter?" The small blue frog asked. Anne shook her head and rubbed her eyes, "I'm doing just fine, Wally... Why does everyone keep saying that?.."

Wally looked around, trying to find an excuse to change the subject. Eventually he spotted the Plantars a few steps ahead, "Say, where you off to?" He tried to say happily, while Anne looked at the Plantars and said, "Market."

Wally started to walk off, "Well, I'm off now I suppose! Take care, Anne!"

Anne yawned and looked confused, "Weird... Why does everyone keep asking what's the matter? I'm completely fine..." Anne then caught up with the Plantars as they reached the market. The whole time flew by for Anne until they were coming out with the stuff they needed, "Alright! Let's go home!"

As the Plantars headed towards the house, Anne trailed behind, getting more dizzy until she finally passed out on the dirt, dropping something that was in her hands. Sprig turned around and saw Anne laying there, beginning to panic and check on her to make sure she was alright, but Anne tried to swing at Sprig as she was out.

Hop-Pop and Polly rushed everything inside and came to help Sprig lift Anne into the house, some frogs even stopping to wonder what happened as they watched the Plantars carry the unconscious girl inside.


"So... What are we supposed to do?" Polly asked, staring at an unconscious Anne on the basement floor, Hop-Pop scratched his head and didn't know what the heck to do. He's never had to deal with humans getting sick before, "I don't know... But I should've made her stay here."

Sprig was watching Anne as she kept oddly growling. He sighed and rested his hands on the floor next to him, "If only we could get a message to Marcy... Maybe she'd know what's wrong with Anne since they're the same species after all."

Hop-Pop looked at Sprig, "Yeah... But the trip to Newtopia is too long. Anne will become more ill by the time we get there."

Polly tried to think about some possible ideas... Until she thought of something, "I may have an idea! What if we use boomshrooms? We could use a signal to alert Marcy if she's flying around somewhere!"

"But where are we going to get the boomshrooms, and how are we sure Marcy will see it?! She's on the other side of Amphibia, Polly. There's no way she'll see that and we are not using boomshrooms!"


"I can't believe we're using boomshrooms..." Hop-Pop said, planting a couple of the explosive blue mushrooms.

"Wait, where did you even get the boomshrooms, Polly?"

Polly chuckled and replied, "I may know a frog or two..." Meanwhile Sprig was still writing the note that Marcy would Hopefully see, even if he also doubted this plan would work, "Alright! now we just need to set them off and hopefully it'll work. Sprig, you have the note ready?" Sprig nodded and put it on a stump and drew an arrow in the dirt, hoping it wouldn't get destroyed and the note wouldn't fly away. But to be sure, Sprig put a rock on the note.

Polly, Hop-Pop and Sprig clicked the boomshrooms and began to run as fast as they could to get out of the blast zone. After a few minutes, the boomshrooms exploded, blue smoke filling the area as trees collapsed and a hole formed in the ground. Sprig looked back and thought: 'Hopefully this works...' Then continued to run along with Polly and Hop-Pop


Meanwhile, Marcy was flying around on Joe Sparrow, a giant bird with a scar on its eye and a helmet, "Okay so I just need to find..."

A sudden explosion sounded past the mountain and made Marcy look up from the map she held, "What was that?" She guided Joe towards it, fighting the wind as she neared the mountains, after about 30 minutes, she made it to the explosion site and landed. Marcy hopped off of Joe's sattle and looked around, "Definitely the work of boomshrooms..." As she was searching, she noticed the note and removed the damaged rock, picking it up and beginning to read it while realizing it was a message to her...

'Marcy! We need your help back at WartWood. Anne has gotten sick and we aren't aware what's wrong and this isn't like any normal flu or cold or anything we've seen! Please come soon... She needs your help... -Plantar Family'

Marcy looked up from the note and then back at Joe, "I'll have to report back to Andrias and see if I can come... Don't worry Anne,"

Marcy climbed back onto Joe, "...I'm coming to help you..."


(A new bit that fast! I haven't slept but I wanted to get this bit done.)

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