Chapter 5 - Death and Secrets

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"Anne! I told you to not go outside!" Marcy shouted, which was rare because Marcy rarely ever shouted. Anne wasn't listening though, staring at Sprig with a hateful look in her eyes. Sprig tattled on her this morning and now she had to sit there through Marcy's yelling. Sprig chuckled nervously, knowing he was probably going to die later, "Why did you even go outside?!" Marcy asked, not understanding why Anne would disobey her like that. Anne growled and responded, "Maybe I want to go outside for a bit... Is that too much to ask? I'm tired of sitting in this basement!"

Marcy sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Well... I guess it's a good thing I thought about something." Marcy pulled out two arm bands connected to each other, "I made these so you could safely walk outside... And so you would stay in our sight." Anne crossed her arms, "I don't need to be watched, Marbles! I'm not 5!"

Marcy didn't understand why Anne seemed like she didn't want to either be helped or healed, almost like she wanted to stay sick, "Look, maybe we can test it out today. And if you don't like it, we'll think of something else." Anne rolled her eyes, "Whatever... As long as I get to go outside." Anne then reached out her arm for Marcy to put the one half of the band on, then Marcy slid on the other half. Marcy had already informed the Plantars of her idea and how she's going to test it today, and even if they were hesitant, they were willing to let her try.

"Alright! let's go." Marcy walked out the door with Anne following right behind, the two of them just taking a stroll through town. A lot of the frogs were doing their usual, as always. Marcy looked at Anne, "So, what would you like to do? Maybe go eat, perhaps just go looking at some of the stands-"

Marcy was cut off with a horrified scream from another frog, "Huh?" She looked over and saw two other frogs carrying a ripped in half frog from the woods. One frog carries the dead frog by the upper half and another carries the lower half. Anne nervously smiled and looked away, while Marcy watched as they set the corpse down and a lady began to cry over the body. Mayor Toadstool came up and started to talk, but it was too far to hear what they were saying around the frog corpse.

"Oh gosh... I wonder what happened..." Anne still didn't look, not wanting to show her responsibility for the frogs death.


Later Marcy and Anne were sitting by a stand eating some fruit. Marcy still couldn't figure out what happened to the frog, then looked up at Anne and decided to ask, "What do you think happened to the frog?" Anne paused and stopped eating, thinking hard about how she should respond... Should she come clean and admit it was her?.. No... Marcy would think she was a monster... Which in a way she was... She might as well come up with some stupid lie that always gets believed anyways, "Oh!.. Uh.. I don't really know... Maybe there's a monster out there and they just weren't lucky enough to escape..."

"Hm... That could be the case... And if so, we'll definitely find this monster!" Anne could only look away... If only Marcy knew... That she was the reason the frog died... "Yeah..." Anne went back to eating her fruit, looking on at the crowd around the body... She couldn't describe the feeling, but when she saw the body, she felt herself get more hungry... Almost wanting to run over and taste the frogs flesh but Anne stopped herself.

"Oh!" Marcy spotted Maddie and looked at Anne, "I'm going to go have a chat with Maddie, so I'll be removing my part of the band. You gonna be okay on your own?"

Anne nodded and Marcy smiled, running over to Maddie. The two immediately got into a big conversation while Anne kept her eyes on the crowd. Just then, she saw a frog walking to the woods. Probably trying to find the 'monster'.. Anne made sure Marcy wasn't looking before sneaking off after the frog. She couldn't help herself in this moment, she needed to eat something other than fruit...

Meanwhile Maddie and Marcy were talking about certain spells and curses, "Oh! how's your siblings been since they tried to 'grow up'?.." Maddie shrugged, "Still annoying. But I love em' I guess."

The conversation continued for about an hour before Maddie finally decided to say, "Oh... Also, Anne kinda walked off an hour ago." Marcy froze and immediately turned around, "WHAT?!" Marcy looked at the ground, recognizing Anne's shoe print. The clumsy girl immediately started running to the woods, but tripped on a root which sent her rolling into another tree, "Ow..." Marcy held her head for a moment before getting up to find Anne again. A few minutes later, she found Anne walking around. Her shirt was stained even more red and her canines had gotten a bit sharper and her ears more blue-ish...

"Anne! Why did you... You know what, we'll save it for back at the house. Come on."

Marcy took Anne by the wrist and led Anne back to the house, which then Marcy grabbed Anne by the shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Look, Anne... I know what's going on... The frogs corpse, you walking off, the red stain on your shirt growing... It all adds up! You did that to that poor innocent frog, didn't you."

Anne growled and clapped her hands, "Bravo Sherlock, bravo..." Marcy seemed upset, "I really thought I could trust you, I really did... But I can't even trust you to stay alone without hurting an innocent frog. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to keep you in the basement..."

Anne's eyes narrowed and she bared her teeth, shoving Marcy aside and running outside, "Anne!" Marcy started running after her, passing a couple frogs who seemed confused. Marcy shouted, "Somebody stop her!"

A couple frogs soon caught up to the Anne and pulled her back using rakes and fishing rods, trying to hold her so she couldn't escape the town. But the tools snapped and Anne let out an enraged roar, her eyes flashing purple and blue and pupils red as she started to attack the frogs back. Meanwhile Marcy looked at Maddie and threw an arrow to the young frog, Maddie knowing what to do quickly made a potion to put someone temporarily to sleep and splashed it on the arrow, tossing it back to Marcy.

Marcy aligned her shot and fired, the arrow hitting Anne in the shoulder, making the sick girl tired until she fell over. Marcy sighed and picked up Anne, carrying back to the house as the citizens began asking questions as to what was wrong, and why Anne lashed out on everyone like that. Marcy simply told them she would explain once this was taken care of.

Meanwhile the Plantars were watching from the house... Now it was definitely clear that Anne wasn't herself anymore...

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