Chapter 4 - Walks and Blood

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Marcy had been up late reading through some stuff about medicines. She actually passed out right next to Anne after awhile, but Anne was still up. She was staring off into space, feeling herself grow colder and colder...

It felt like ice around her skin but she didn't seem to care. She hadn't cared in days. She embraced the cold with open arms until she felt Marcy's arm wrap around her. She snapped out of her trance and looked at Marcy with red eyes, confused about why Marcy was even here... That's right. She couldn't remember anything from yesterday. Not even attempting to murder Sprig or Marcy.

Anne removed Marcy's arm from around her and sat up, trying to get up slowly and quietly as to not alert Marcy. Anne stood up and walked towards the hatch, opening it up and climbing out of the basement. The sick girl made a run for the door and left the house, feeling the wind blow against her cold skin. It'd been quite a bit since Anne was outside again, especially since Marcy told her she couldn't ever go outside again. Well... Until she was cured, of course.

She wanted to stretch a bit and take a walk through the same forest she'd been attacked at, just wondering where that thing ran off to that day. She wanted to find it, hurt it, possibly even kill it... It caused all of this trouble for her, to the point she can't even go out anymore because of Marcy's 'fears'. Since when would she attack the citizens?

...And then there was rustling in the bushes, and Anne immediately got on guard, staring where the noise came from. She let out a low growl, and slowly crept forward. So it was back again, huh? This time Anne wouldn't be attacked, oh no, she'd make this... Thing feel what she felt... As soon as everything went quiet, Anne jumped forward into the bushes and emerged from the other side with someone pinned under her. With a smirk, she said, "Yeah! How does it feel, creature?! Ol' Anne gotcha this time!"

Anne took a nearby sharp stick and held it to the creatures throat. The creature only stared at her, it's eyes widened in fear before it began to scream out for help. Anne covered her ears and growled again, "Shut up... Shut... Up... SHUT UP!"

Anne plunged the stick into the creatures stomach, slowly tearing it open and then taking it out and sticking it through the creatures eyes. The 'creature' stopped screaming, instead crying silently and trying to breath before it went completely limp... Anne took the stick again, stood it up, and shoved the creature on it. Anne chuckled a bit and looked at her bloody hands, running her tongue along the blood for a moment before she shook her head and looked at the body...

...It wasn't the creature at all... It was just another frog from WartWood! Why was he out so late, anyway? And why in the bushes? "...You aren't... What..." Anne felt a chill run up her spine as she looked at her hands again, "Did... Did I do this?.." For a moment, Anne thought she could hear clapping... She turned her head and only saw the shadows of the forest, nobody in sight. Anne looked at herself and groaned, "Great... How am'I supposed to explain this?! Marcy's surely going to know I was outside!"

'Might as well head home.' Anne thought, running back to the house and gently closing the door. But... Sprig was in the kitchen, probably getting a snack... He was about to go back upstairs until he saw Anne... Out of the basement and near the door, "A-Anne?.." He said, still clearly afraid of her from yesterday, "Why w-were you o-outside?.. You know your supposed to stay in the house..."

Anne just looked at him before she got a headache and started growling again, which made Sprig almost drop his plate and run upstairs as fast as he could. Anne watched him go for a second before heading back down to the basement. Luckily, Marcy was still asleep. But Anne knew she'd have to face the music eventually, because it was either going to be the dried blood on her shirt or Sprig that would tell Marcy.

Anne just laid back down next to Marcy and eventually fell asleep, not looking forward to tomorrow...


"Quite the show, Anne... Quite the show..." ??? Said while gently clapping, looking at the Plantars house from a hill...

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