Chapter 6 - Running and Hiding

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Anne growled, trying to break free from her restraints. After the events of earlier, Marcy had made it so Anne couldn't leave again. The Plantars watched from a distance as Marcy approached Anne with a bottle full of what would hopefully be the cure to Anne's illness. Marcy put the bottle up to Anne's mouth, signaling her to drink it but Anne turned her head, refusing to drink the 'cure'... Marcy sighed and grabbed Anne's jaw forcefully and opened her mouth, making Anne drink the medicine which made her gag.

Once Marcy was finished, she threw the glass away and backed off from Anne. Anne tasted her mouth for a second, then started to squirm again until she eventually fell backwards. Now she couldn't get up unless Marcy undid the ropes. Marcy could admit, she hated doing this to her friend. But Anne was being too stubborn and it left her no choice.

"I'm sorry Anna-Banana... but this is for your own good." Marcy got on one knee and attempted to hold Anne's hand, but immediately pulled back. Her hand was cold as ice... And something didn't feel right. Anne went still and silent, refusing to move as if she were concentrating on something. Marcy tried to touch Anne's hand again, but this time Anne managed to unsheathe her... Claws?.. And dug them into Marcy's hand, making Marcy squeal in pain.

Anne, with enough strength, managed to break out of her restraints finally, and made a break for the exit. Sprig went after Anne while Marcy held her hand, trying to stop the bleeding.

Sprig eventually caught up to Anne, tears pricking the corner of his eyes, "Anne... Please! just let us help you!.. You aren't safe..." Anne rolled her eyes and started running again, frightening some of the citizens of the town. Some even trying to hold her back again. But Anne stomped her foot once, and a patch of ice grew on the ground, making the frogs slide and fall into each other.

Marcy ran out of the house but Anne had already fled into the woods, "No..." Marcy dropped to her knees, but then an idea came to mind. Quickly, she rushed over to Joe Sparrow and hopped onto his saddle, "You all stay here and I'll see if I can track her down. She can't get far."

The Plantars watched as Marcy flew off, hoping she'd be able to find Anne...


Anne ran through the woods as fast as she could, not wanting to be found or brought back. Ever since this stupid sickness, she's been treated like a prisoner. Unable to go outside, forced to stay locked up, and not even allowed near anybody. Anne hated it and would rather live in the woods again then go back there.

...Then a distant flapping filled in the silence, and Anne quickly jumped into the bushes. She could hear Marcy shouting for her, begging her to come back. 'Sorry Marbles...' She thought, 'But I refuse to go back...' Anne heard Marcy again, and froze.

"I think I'll have to land... Just to check under the branches and on the ground."

Anne got up and started running again, feeling her legs grow sore but she couldn't stop now. Not with Marcy behind her somewhere. But...

"Anne?.." Anne stopped and stared in front of her. There stood Marcy, a worried expression on her face as she reached out her hand which still had Anne's claw marks on it. Marcy began to plead yet again, wanting Anne to just come with, "Please Anne... We-" Marcy was cut off by a snarl, Anne lifting her claw in the air and slashing Marcy down her eye. Marcy cupped her face, looking up at Anne with horror. Anne, in a low voice, said, " Stop following me... I don't want to go back, and I don't want to be healed! Just leave me alone!" And with that, Anne started running away again, "Wait!" But Anne was already gone somehow.

Tears fell onto the dirt, Marcy felt like she failed her friend in a way...


Anne eventually sat down, tired from all the running. She didn't have remorse for what she did to those frogs... Or Marcy just now... Anne couldn't describe how much hatred was in her, and how badly she wanted to release it... Silence filled the woods for a moment, until there was a distant clapping from afar. Anne turned around and saw someone... They were tall, and looking at her. Their eyes filled with amusement as they finally spoke, "Well done, Anne Boonchuy... Well done..."

Anne looked at the stranger, "Who are you?.." The stranger got closer until they were face to face with Anne, "Not important right now, dear... But what I can say, is that 'Marbles' really deserved that..." Anne growled and swung her claws at the stranger, "Don't you dare... Say stuff like that about Marcy..."

The stranger laughed, a deep but hollow laugh, "Oh... So you aren't aware? That's funny... What else is funny is that you'd defend her after you just hurt her... I'm just stating the truth, honestly. She did deserve it."

"What... Are you talking about..."

The stranger sat down next to her, swinging their arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer, "You see, your friend Marcy... Is the reason you're stuck here... Away from home, trapped in a world full of these... Frogs, newts and toads... It's all her doing."

Anne was deep in thought for a moment, but then looked into their eyes and growled, "Marcy would never! She's one of my best friends!" The stranger shushed her, "Dear... It was on purpose. You could ask her yourself, and I bet you she wouldn't be able to give you an answer... She's guilty... I say she deserves a lot more than just a scratch."

Anne looked at the ground... On one hand she wanted to believe this person, but on the other hand she didn't want to.

...Until the stranger stood up and reached out their hand for her to take, "Come with me, and I can get you back home..."

...Anne hesitantly took the strangers hand, and stood up to follow them... The stranger turned away, smirking as they led her away. Finally, the plan was in motion...

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